Rosamond Rhodes is Professor of Medical Education and
Director of Bioethics Education at Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
and Professor of Philosophy at The Graduate School, CUNY.
Leslie P. Francis is Professor of Philosophy and the
Alfred C. Emery Professor of Law, Adjunct Professor of Political
Science at the University of Utah, and Adjunct Professor in the
Division of Medical Ethics, Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Utah School of Medicine.
Anita Silvers is Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco
State University.
8 Ebooks door Leslie P. Francis
Rosamond Rhodes & Leslie P. Francis: The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics
The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics is a guide to the complex literature written on the increasingly dense topic of ethics in relation to the new technologies of medicine. * Examines the key ethica …
John G. Francis & Leslie P. Francis: Privacy
We live more and more of our lives online; we rely on the internet as we work, correspond with friends and loved ones, and go through a multitude of mundane activities like paying bills, streaming vi …
John G. Francis & Leslie P. Francis: Privacy
We live more and more of our lives online; we rely on the internet as we work, correspond with friends and loved ones, and go through a multitude of mundane activities like paying bills, streaming vi …
Leslie P. Francis: Death, Dying and the Ending of Life, Volumes I and II
The two volumes of Death, Dying, and the Ending of Life present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain …
Leslie P. Francis: Death, Dying and the Ending of Life, Volumes I and II
The two volumes of Death, Dying, and the Ending of Life present the core of recent philosophical work on end-of-life issues. Volume I examines issues in death and consent: the nature of death, brain …
Margaret P Battin & Leslie P Francis: Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease
Bioethics emerged at a time when infectious diseases were not a major concern. Thus bioethics never had to develop a normative framework sensitive to situations of disease transmission. The Patient a …
John G. Francis & Leslie P. Francis: Sustaining Surveillance: The Importance of Information for Public Health
This book presents a comprehensive theory of the ethics and political philosophy of public health surveillance based on reciprocal obligations among surveillers, those under surveillance, and others …
Margaret P Battin & Leslie P Francis: Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease
Bioethics emerged at a time when infectious diseases were not a major concern. Thus bioethics never had to develop a normative framework sensitive to situations of disease transmission. The Patient a …