If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up rested, this book will teach you what sleep is all about. We do not intuitively know how to sleep and our doctors can’t tell us.
Like three blind mice describing an elephant, sleep professionals will describe and diagnose sleep issues as dysfunctions. Sleep problems are a literal wake-up call, an opportunity to repair one’s life. You’ll never a get the story straight unless you understand what your sleep issues are telling you.
Sleep is not just chemical, neurological, mechanical, or psychological, it is all of these combined. Sleep is a whole-body, psycho-somatic experience. Everything that’s blocking sleep, or causing distress around sleep, is an opportunity to deeply encounter and repair the body’s function. Sleep is a process of whole-body-mind repair and invigoration.
The Path To Sleep consists of written and spoken words. It contains twenty-four guided visualizations-MP3 audio files on the internet that carry you in thought, image, rhythm, and frequency into other states of mind.
These are not simply different ideas or perspectives, they are different realities. We are different people in these different states. Many people-especially those who have trouble sleeping-do not, are rarely, or cannot even imagine being someone other than who they are. This inflexibility is why you’re stuck; you’ll find the training in this book essential.
The Path To Sleep, and the workshops built around it, focus on five aspects of sleep, most of which are overlooked, misunderstood, or simply ignored. They are:
• control of the rhythms of mind and body,
• discovery and resolution of the issues that underlie stress, • day-time coping habits that undermine sleep,
• ability to understand, participate, and aid the subconscious,
• building a working relationship with dreams.
The Elusive Second
Sleep As Skill
Everything Else
Note to the Reader
1 Rhythms in the Mind
Rhythms in Hearing, Speaking, and Thinking
Hypnotic Session 1: Entrainment with High Frequencies
Hypnotic Session 2: Letting Go of Disturbing Issues
2 Rhythms in the Body
The Gut Frequencies
The Cross-over State
Hypnotic Session 3: Frequencies of the Gut
Hypnotic Session 4: Focused Rhythms, Heart and Lung
3 Sleep Frequency
Hypnotic Session 5: Slow Sleep Frequencies
Hypnotic Session 6: Breath Journey to Sleep
4 Somnolence
The Desire for Sleep
Rebuilding Reality
Physical Stages of Sleep
Psychological Elements of Sleep
Hypnotic Session 7: Imagining Your Way Out
Hypnotic Session 8: Intentions for Sleep, following Traditional Chinese Medicine
5 Body Relaxation
Hypnotic Session 9: Amplification
Hypnotic Session 10: Release
6 Mind Relaxation
Building Reality
Hypnotic Session 11: Absence
Hypnotic Session 12: Ascent
7 Comfort
Separating Ideas
Hypnotic Session 13: Disconnection 99
Hypnotic Session 14: Painless Joints
8 Accommodation
More of Less
About the Day
Hypnotic Session 15: Winding Up
Hypnotic Session 16: Winding Down
9 Habits
Eating and Drinking
Body and Behavior
Ritual and Ceremony
Hypnotic Session 17: A Schedule
Hypnotic Session 18: Make a Deal
10 Dream Crafting 1: Outside of Dreams
What Do Dreams Have to Do With It?
Reality for Practical Purposes
The Importance of Illogical Thinking
What a Dream Is
Kinds of Dreams
The Dream Conversation
The Unimportance of Remembering Dreams
Hypnotic Session 19: Building a Dream
Hypnotic Session 20: Transitions
11 Dream Crafting 2: Inside of Dreams
Therapeutic Dreaming
Science and Magic
When We Dream
Remembering Daydreams
Remembering Night Dreams
Creating Dreams
Lucid Dreams
How to Lucid Dream
Hypnotic Session 21: Daydreaming
Hypnotic Session 22: Therapeutic Lucid Dreaming
12 Wakefulness
Stages of Awareness
Frequency and Intention
Higher States
Hypnotic Session 23: On Becoming Alert
Hypnotic Session 24: Invitation
13 Epilogue
Appendix: Alphabetical List of Air Filtering House Plants
About the Author
Over de auteur
Lincoln Stoller has published work as a physicist, astronomer, statistician, biologist, neurophysiologist, neurofeedback therapist, psychologist, hypnotherapist, computer scientist, software architect, anthropologist, mountaineer, and educator.
He holds a Ph D in quantum physics from the University of Texas, hypnotherapy certifications from ICBCH and IMDHA. He holds the patent for a business accounting system, and has twenty-five years experience in the system’s design, implementation, and support. He is an assessing editor at the Journal of Mind and Behavior, and is currently in private practice as hypnotherapist specializing in medical support, sleep enhancement, executive coaching, spiritual guidance, and business psychology.
‘The Path To Sleep’ continues his work in mind-body health, psychology, meditation, trance states, and other forms of control and self-awareness. It combines his experience in mindfulness, shamanism, education, and mental health.
Sleep requires relaxing into an unique state of mind; a complete release beyond what’s comfortable for most of us. It is a state that our body requires and our ego resists. Those of us who are especially resistant achieve a destructive compromise by creating chronic states of insomnia.
Sleep is not a chemical or mechanical condition that can be remediated using drugs or medical intervention. It is a state of consciousness that can be learned. It is a state that’s increasingly unavailable to those of us who are out of touch with our natural rhythms.
‘The Path To Sleep’ aims directly at reestablishing these natural rhythms. This is not a logical process; it does not ‘make sense.’ Re-learning mind-body integration is not only important for sleep, it is important in master all systems of your body for the purpose of regaining physical health, understanding life, and achieving longevity.
For more information see: www.mindstrengthbalance.com