In Evidence-based Neurology: Management of Neurological
Disorders a carefully selected group of clinically
experienced collaborators use the best available evidence to answer
more than 100 clinical questions about the treatment and management
of neurological disorders.
Divided into three sections and 24 chapters, this book
* * fills the gap between guidelines and primary studies as well as
between primary and secondary scientific medical literature
* summarizes the most recent and important findings on treatments
for neurological patients
* measures the benefit and, when applicable, the risk of harm
inherent in specific neurological interventions.
This unique, evidence-based text, edited by members of the
Cochrane Neurological Network will be an essential resource for all
general neurologists, from the novice to the most experienced, in
their everyday clinical practice.
Part 1 Introduction.
1 Evidence-based medicine: its contributions in the way we
search, appraise and apply scientific information to patient
Alessandro Liberati, Lorenzo P. Moja, Ivan Moschetti.
2 What to do when there is no evidence.
Charles Warlow.
3 Outcome and adverse effect measures in neurology.
Jorge G. Burneo, Samuel Wiebe.
4 Systematic reviews of diagnostic research.
Bernard M.J. Uitdehaag, Peter M. Rothwell.
Part 2 Neurological symptoms/problems.
5 Acute migraine attacks.
Anne Mac Gregor.
6 Back and neck pain.
Harry Mc Naughton.
7 Neuropathic pain.
Giorgio Cruccu, Nadine Attal, Rod Taylor.
8 Vertigo and dizziness: treatment of benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo, vestibular neuritis and Menière’s
Michael Strupp, Thomas Brandt, Christian Daniel
9 Sleep disorders.
Michel Billiard.
10 Cognitive rehabilitation of non-progressive
neuropsychological disorders.
Stefano F. Cappa, Thomas Benke, Stephanie Clarke, Bruno
Rossi, Brigitte Stemmer, Caroline M. van Heugten.
11 Management and pharmaceutical treatment of central and spinal
David T. Shakespeare.
12 Background to neurorehabilitation.
Kathryn Mc Pherson, Paula Kersten, Lynne
Part 3 Neurological diseases.
13 Acute stroke management and prevention of recurrences.
Gord Gubitz.
14 Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Jan van Gijn, Gabriel J.E. Rinkel.
15 Acute traumatic brain injury.
Miguel F. Arango, Walter Videtta, Corina Puppo.
16 Corticosteroids in central nervous system infections.
Anu Jacob, Tom Solomon, Paul Garner.
17 Brain tumours.
Michael G. Hart, Robin Grant.
18 Epilepsy.
Sridharan Ramaratnam, Anthony Marson.
19 Dementia treatment: let the evidence lead us.
Bart M. Demaerschalk, Bryan K. Woodruff, Richard J.
20 Parkinson’s disease.
Miguel Coelho, Joaquim Ferreira, Cristina Sampaio.
21 Multiple sclerosis: critical review of the evidence for each
Graziella Filippini, George Ebers.
22 Motor neurone disorders.
Douglas Mitchell.
23 Peripheral nerve disorders.
Richard Hughes, Eva L. Feldman, Jeremy D.P. Bland.
24 Muscle disorders.
Fiona Norwood, Michael R. Rose.
Over de auteur
Livia Candelise, Cochrane Neurological Network, Dipartimento
di Scienze Neurologiche, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,
Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Richard Hughes, Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
King’s College London School of Medicine at Guy’s,
King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London,
Alessandro Liberati. Department of Hematology and
Oncology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Azienda
Ospedaliera Policlinico, Ferrara, Italy
Bernard Uitdehaag, Department of Neurology and Department
of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU Medical Centre,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Charles Warlow, Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK