Dr. Eli Noam is Professor of Finance and Economics at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business and Director of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. He has also served as Public Service Commissioner for New York State, engaged in telecommunications and energy regulation. His publications include over 25 books and 300 articles on domestic and international telecommunications, television, Internet, and regulation subjects. His books include Mobile Media: Content and Services for Wireless Communications (co-ed., Erlbaum, 2006), Interconnecting the Network of Networks (MIT Press, 2001), and The New Investment Theory of Real Options and Its Implication for Telecommunications Economics (co-ed., Springer, 1999); his articles have appeared in such journals as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, National Tax Journal, Journal of Industrial Economics, Public Choice, and Law and Policy Quarterly. He has served as a board member for the federal government”s FTS-2000 telephone network, the IRS” computer modernization project, and the National Computer Lab.
Dr. Lorenzo Maria Pupillo is an Executive Director in Telecom Italia and Affiliated Researcher at Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. At Telecom Italia, he is in charge of Economics of Public Strategies. He is an economist by training and has worked in many areas of telecommunications demand and regulatory analysis, publishing papers in applied econometrics and industrial organization. He has also been Advisor to the Global Information and Communication Technologies Department of the World Bank in Washington, and Adjunct Professor of Economics of ICTs at University of Rome, La Sapienza. Before joining Telecom Italia in 1992, he was member of the technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
3 Ebooks door Lorenzo Maria Pupillo
Eli M. Noam & Lorenzo Maria Pupillo: Peer-to-Peer Video
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are comprised of equal “nodes” that function as both clients and servers, as opposed to systems in which data and information are managed through centralized servers. The …
William H. Lehr & Lorenzo Maria Pupillo: Internet Policy and Economics
For over a decade, William Lehr, Lorenzo Pupillo, and their colleagues in academia, industry, and policy have been on the electronic frontier, exploring the implications of the technologies that are …
Eli M. Noam & Lorenzo Maria Pupillo: Broadband Networks, Smart Grids and Climate Change
In smart grids the formerly separated worlds of energy and telecommunication converge to an interactive and automated energy supply system. Driven by social, legal, and economic pressures, energy sys …