Auteur: M. Visser

Mirella Visser LLM is managing director of the Centre for Inclusive Leadership, which specializes in strategic leadership solutions, and a frequent speaker at international conferences. She is serving on the Advisory Board of the European Leadership Platform and as an Ambassador for the Greenleaf Centre for Servant Leadership Europe. She is also a member of the expert panel for non-executive directors at the Dutch Institute for Executive and Non-executive Directors and advisor at the European Commission for women in decision-making positions. In her past career Mirella held various management positions at ING Group and was member of ING”s management board in Hong Kong, with responsibilities for business units in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong. At KPMG Mirella led post-merger integrations of international financial services companies. From 2006 – 2011 Mirella served on the Supervisory Board of Royal Swets & Zeitlinger, the world”s leading subscription services company. In 2007 Mirella was nominated for the title “European of the Year” for her non-profit activities for professional women in Europe. Mirella is the co-author of the book Women on Boards, Moving Mountains and her Dutch book The Silk Road to the Top, on strategic leadership for women, made the shortlist (top 6) for “Management Book of the Year 2010” in the Netherlands.

3 Ebooks door M. Visser

M. Visser: The Female Leadership Paradox
The best-kept secret in corporate life is the vanishing act of women on their way to the top. Despite massive attention to the issue the number of women in top positions remains shockingly low. This …
R.J. Beerthuis & I.A. van Berckelaer-Onnes: Psychiatrische stoornissen
Uit statistische gegevens blijkt dat zeker 7% van de kinderen last heeft van psychiatrische problemen waarvoor professionele behandeling noodzakelijk is. Maar slechts 2, 5% maakt daar gebruik van.Psy …
M Visser & J Akhurst: Community psychology
Community psychology is an applied branch of psychology that places emphasis on understanding people in their own context, and promoting their health and wellbeing within this context. It is particul …