This book came to me in form of messages, and
I share these messages with you. This is an
offering of love, faith and service to heal hearts,
illuminate minds and pour forth angels love and wisdom into the
world. I thank all my guides and angels for choosing me as a tool
to type the words contained in these pages. My prayer is, that this
offering helps to raise the consciousness of the planet, and create
a loving, happier, peaceful, enriched and sustainable abode for
us, and our future generations. I hope this work inspires us all to
leave a legacy of Love, Peace and Abundance for all the children
of this world. I dedicate all merits generated through the creation
of this book toall children (born and yet unborn) of this world,
ascension of all sentient beings, and ushering in a new era of Peace
on our Planet.
For further information about Manis work, please visitwww.
You may also connect with Mani through her fan page on Facebook,
or her Internet based Radio Show titled Angels Wisdom on Angel
Heart Radio, telecast every Monday morning at
11.a.m. Hong Kong Time and 3 a.m. GMT
An g e l s Wi s d om F o r Yo u r L i f e P a r t 1
If you wish to write in with your comments about this book, or
enquire about Manis upcoming workshops, teaching schedule or
to make an appointment for personal healing or reading session
with Mani, you can
[email protected] or [email protected]
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