Conversion of light and electricity to chemicals is an important component of a sustainable energy system. The exponential growth in renewable energy generation implies that there will be strong market pull for chemical energy storage technology in the near future, and here carbon dioxide utilization must play a central role. The electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide is key in achieving these goals. Carbon Dioxide Electrochemistry showcases different advances in the field, and bridges the two worlds of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis that are often perceived as in competition in research. Chapters cover homogeneous and heterogeneous electrochemical reduction of CO
2, nanostructures for CO
2 reduction, hybrid systems for CO
2 conversion, electrochemical reactors, theoretical approaches to catalytic reduction of CO
2, and photoelectrodes for electrochemical conversion. With internationally well-known editors and authors, this book will appeal to graduate students and researchers in energy, catalysis, chemical engineering and chemistry who work on carbon dioxide.
Approaches to Controlling Homogeneous Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide; Homogeneous Electrochemical Reduction of CO
2: From Homogeneous to Supported Systems; Heterogeneous Electrochemical CO
2 Reduction; Nanostructures for CO
2 reduction: from theoretical insight to material design; Theoretical Approach to Homogeneous Catalytic Reduction of CO
2: Mechanistic Understanding to Build New Catalysts; Bridging Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems: Atomically Dispersed Metal Atoms in Carbon Matrices for Electrocatalytic CO
2 Reduction; Bridging Homogeneous and Heterogeneous systems: Photoelectrodes for CO
2 Electrochemical Conversion; Hybrid Biological-Inorganic Systems for CO
2 Conversion to Fuels; In Situ Spectroscopic Methods to Study Electrochemical CO
2 Reduction; Electrochemical Reactors
Over de auteur
Kim Daasbjerg obtained his MSc (1990) and Ph D (1993) at Aarhus University under the supervision of Prof. Henning Lund. Following a post-doctoral visit at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, he returned to Aarhus University as an associate professor in chemistry. He obtained his Doctor of Science degree (2006) and promoted to Professor (MSO) in 2010. Recently, the scientific research has focused on fundamental aspects of graphene and its functionalization to exploit the extraordinary properties of this carbon allotrope in materials science. In addition, the combined expertise in electrochemistry, modification of surfaces, polymer brushes, and carbon materials is employed to meet a scientifically difficult challenge of huge societal importance in terms of converting the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, to useful building blocks for the chemical industry or the energy sector.