Anne-Marie Nunez is associate professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Richard E. Hoover is senior lecturer in the Educational Leadership and Higher Education (ELHE) program in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Kellie Pickett is a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership and Higher Education program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
A. Christine Stuart-Carruthers is a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership and Higher Education program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Maria Vazquez is a doctoral student in the Educational Leadership and Higher Education program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
3 Ebooks door Maria Vazquez
Anne-Marie Nu?ez & Richard E Hoover: Latinos in Higher Education
Latinos’ postsecondary educational attainment has not keptpace with their growing representation in the U.S. population. Howcan Latino educational attainment be advanced? This monograph presents rele …
Anne-Marie Nu?ez & Richard E Hoover: Latinos in Higher Education
Latinos’ postsecondary educational attainment has not keptpace with their growing representation in the U.S. population. Howcan Latino educational attainment be advanced? This monograph presents rele …
VV. AA. & Diana Rubio: Política en serie
Política en serie es el libro que Frank Underwood no quiere que leas. Por sus páginas, y radiografiados por algunos de los mejores analistas políticos y consultores de este país, desfilan los protago …