This book brings forth debates on the production and eradication of poverty from experiences in the global South. It collects a set of innovative articles concentrating on the way in which poverty, as a social process, has been tackled by popular movements and the governments of various states across the globe. Providing new insights into the limitations of traditional strategies to confront poverty, it highlights how social organizations are working to transform the livelihoods of people through bottom-up struggle and more participatory approaches rather than passively waiting for top-down solutions.
Over de auteur
Mariano Féliz, Ph Ds in Economics (University of Paris XIII/Nord, France) and in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Master in Economics Sociology (National University of San Martín, Argentina) and BA in Economics (National University of La Plata, Argentina), is a researcher at the CIG-Id IHCS/CONICET-UNLP of Argentina and professor of economics at the Department of Sociology at the National University of La Plata. He is also member of the Society of Critical Economics (SEC) of Argentina and Uruguay.
Aaron Rosenberg is Profesor Investigador Titular (Associate Professor) in the Centro de Estudios de Asia y África at El Colegio de México, where he teaches African literature and oversees the Swahili language program. He has published on African song and literature in Research in African Literatures, Wasafiri, The Journal of African Cultural Studies, The Journal of The African Literature Association and Estudios de Asia y África among other journals. He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores ([Mexican] National System of Researchers).