Auteur: Marius Stan

Margaret Hiebert Beissinger, Ph D (Harvard), teaches in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. Her research and writing focus on Balkan traditional culture, epic poetry, and Romani music-making in southern Romania, where she has undertaken extensive fieldwork among Romani musicians. She has authored numerous articles and The Art of the Lăutar: The Epic Tradition of Romania (1991) and is co-editor of Epic Traditions in the Contemporary World: The Poetics of Community (1999) and Manele in Romania: Cultural Expression and Social Meaning in Balkan Popular Music (2016). Dr Radu Cinpoes is head of the Department of Politics and senior lecturer in politics, human rights, and international relations at Kingston University, London. His main areas of research include the politics of nationalism, ethnicity and identity, post-communist politics in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as migration, mobility, refugee issues, discrimination and intolerance. His publications include Nationalism and Identity in Romania: A History of Extreme Politics from the Birth of the State to EU Accession (2010), and articles on the extreme right, nationalism, European identity, and Romanian politics. Lavinia Stan, Ph D, is Jules Leger Research Chair and Professor of Comparative Politics at St. Francis Xavier University, Canada, as well as President of the Society for Romanian Studies. Stan has done extensive work on democracy and democratization, especially transitional justice as well as religion and politics, with a special focus on post-communist countries. She is the editor of Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, and the author of Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Romania: The Politics of Memory (both published with Cambridge University Press, 2013), as well as ten other books published with Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and Rowman & Littlefield. She is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including an Honorary Doctorate from Ovidius University in Constanta, Romania.

9 Ebooks door Marius Stan

Margaret Beissinger & Lavinia Stan: Journal of Romanian Studies
Contents Vintilă Mihăilescu A Subjective Centenary: The Peasant Footprint in Recent Romanian History Katherine Verdery Notes on a Century of Surveillance Dennis Deletant Shattered Illusions: Britain …
Vladimir Tismaneanu & Marius Stan: Dosar Stalin. Genialissimul generalissim
„Cartea de fata se naste din provocarile unei istorii tragice si din energia luminoasa a unui dialog intelectual. Pornind de la Stalin si umbra sa, recuperand mostenirea traumatica a trecutului recen …
Donna J. Nelson & Dave Trumbore: Science of Breaking Bad
All the science in Breaking Bad-from explosive experiments to acid-based evidence destruction-explained and analyzed for authenticity.Breaking Bad’s (anti)hero Walter White (played by Emmy-winner Bry …
Dana Jalobeanu & Charles T. Wolfe: Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences
This Encyclopedia offers a fresh, integrated and creative perspective on the formation and foundations of philosophy and science in European modernity. Combining careful contextual reconstruction wit …
Marius Stan & Christopher Smeenk: Theory, Evidence, Data: Themes from George E. Smith
This book builds on the path-breaking work of George E. Smith and further explores the notions of evidence and confirmation in the exact sciences from two perspectives: conceptual and historical.&#xa …
Katherine Brading & Marius Stan: Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason
From pebbles to planets, tigers to tables, pine trees to people; animate and inanimate, natural and artificial; bodies are everywhere. Bodies populate the world, acting and interacting with one anoth …
Katherine Brading & Marius Stan: Philosophical Mechanics in the Age of Reason
From pebbles to planets, tigers to tables, pine trees to people; animate and inanimate, natural and artificial; bodies are everywhere. Bodies populate the world, acting and interacting with one anoth …