The First and Only General Knowledge Quiz Book for Kindle to offer ongoing and scheduled updates to quizzes, formatting and questions at no extra cost! Try these 3 general knowledge questions from our quiz book, before you go any further(no cheating): Who is the hero in the best selling novel, The Da Vinci Code? What is the first month of the year to have 31 days, that follows another month with 31 days? Which number comes next in the following series: 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, _ ? How did you do? Find out the answers and more inside… This quiz book is ideal for hosting a quick quiz at home with friends with minimal effort. Inside are 30 quick quizzes with quiz questions of varying degrees of difficulty, to challenge even the smartest eggheads yet allow apprehensive quiz goers a chance to get the easy ones.
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Having spent many hours of my life writing, preparing, checking and hosting pub quizzes I felt that I could comfortably turn all that time and effort into my own quiz book series, after all I had done all the hard work already ie. Coming up with and researching the questions. So that is what gave rise to the quiz book series that I am currently writing, with the fifth installment recently released: Quick Quiz Questions Pub Quiz At Home: Geography Round Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and reviewed the first four books in the series, General Knowledge Round, Science & Nature Round, Sport & Leisure Round & TV & Films Round, we appreciate your support!