Marko J. Fuchs is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bamberg, Germany. His areas of specialization are ethics (with a particular focus on classical, mediaeval and modern theories of justice, action theory, and classical and modern theories of friendship), classical philosophy of self, metaphysics, classical and mediaeval Aristotelianism, and history of philosophy. He is the author of Sum und cogito – Grundfiguren zeitlichen Selbstseins bei Augustinus und Descartes (2010) and Gerechtigkeit als allgemeine Tugend. Die Rezeption der aristotelischen Gerechtigkeitstheorie im Mittelalter und das Problem des ethischen Universalismus (2016).
1 Ebooks door Marko J. Fuchs Diego De Brasi
Diego De Brasi & Marko J. Fuchs: Sophistes
Heidegger’s philosophy has an extraordinarily complex relationship to Plato. Heidegger sees Plato as the founder of that Western metaphysics which he claims should be overcome. However, his interpret …