I am a political scientist with research interests in political sociology, political behaviour, comparative politics, and political methodology. In the first two areas I focus on electoral behaviour, political attitudes and behaviour in Germany, the relation between social structure and politics, and on political knowledge and political sophistication. My methodological research interests focus on the spatial modelling of party manifestos, survey research methodology in general, computational statistics and ecological inference. On these topics I have published a monograph, a variety of book chapters as well as research articles in Acta Politica, Electoral Studies, the European Journal of Political Research, German Politics, Perspectives on Politics, and Political Analysis.
5 Ebooks door Martin Elff
Martin Elff: Data Management in R
An invaluable, step-by-step guide to data management in R for social science researchers. This book will show you how to recode data, combine data from different sources, document data, and imp …
Martin Elff: Data Management in R
An invaluable, step-by-step guide to data management in R for social science researchers. This book will show you how to recode data, combine data from different sources, document data, and imp …
Martin Elff: Data Management in R
An invaluable, step-by-step guide to data management in R for social science researchers. This book will show you how to recode data, combine data from different sources, document data, and imp …
Martin Elff & Kathrin Ackermann: Wahlen und politische Einstellungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland
Der Band befasst sich mit der Frage, ob sich Ost- und Westdeutsche in ihren politischen Einstellungen und ihrem Wahlverhalten einander angeglichen haben. In den einzelnen Beiträgen befassen sich die …
Kathrin Ackermann & Heiko Giebler: Deutschland und Europa im Umbruch
Umbrüche und Krisen führen zu drastischen Veränderungen und bedingen Wandel – nicht zuletzt mit Blick auf politische Einstellungen und politisches Verhalten sowie den politischen Wettbewerb. Mit eine …