Martin Schlag (NY, 1964) es doctor en Derecho y Teología, sacerdote, profesor de Pensamiento Social Católico y catedrático en St. Thomas University (USA). Es director del John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad de la Santa Cruz (Roma), donde fundó y dirigió el Research Centre Markets, Culture and Ethics. Ha enseñado Ética de los negocios en la Universidad de Roma Tor Vergata y en el IESE. Es autor de más de ochenta publicaciones. Entre sus libros, destaca Como poner a dieta al caníbal (Rialp).
8 Ebooks door Martin Schlag
Martin Schlag & Juan Andrés Mercado: Free Markets and the Culture of Common Good
Recent economic development and the financial and economic crisis require a change in our approach to business and finance. This book combines theology, economy and philosophy in order to examine in …
Domènec Melé & Martin Schlag: Humanism in Economics and Business
This book offers different perspectives on Humanism as developed by Catholic Social Teaching, with a particular focus on its relevance in economics and business. The work is composed of three section …
Martin Schlag: Business Francis Means
An overview of Pope Francis’s teachings on money and morality that bridges the gap between political sides. Pope Francis, generally speaking, has thus far chosen to concentrate his papac …
Martin Schlag: Contra la idolatría del dinero
Francisco ha querido subrayar las cuestiones de justicia social, y se ha posicionado como un héroe ante buena parte de la izquierda. Algunos conservadores que seguían el pensamiento de Juan Pablo II …
Martin Schlag & Giulio Maspero: After Liberalism?
The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the unrest in the US following the unlawful death of George Floyd, and other sources of social unrest and insecurity, have brought to a head som …
Euclides Eslava Gómez & Juan Carlos Camelo Vargas: Sostenibilidad y desarrollo humano integral
El Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Humano Integral (Cedhin) de la Universidad de La Sabana viene estudiando los desafíos del desarrollo global y la necesidad de un compromiso universal con el f …
Daniel K. Finn: Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought
Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought provides a new and wide-ranging account of these two ostensibly divergent fields. Focusing on the agency of the business person and the interests of firms, …
Martin Schlag & Boglárka Koller: Rethinking Subsidiarity
This book takes a fresh and interdisciplinary approach to the concept of subsidiarity. While subsidiarity is commonly understood as an organizational principle that assigns competences to the approp …