Auteur: Michael Butterworth

Michael Butterworth is the author, editor and publisher of a plethora of short stories, poems and novels. In the late sixties, his regular contributions to New Worlds a literary magazine at the very forefront of the New Wave of British sci-fi talent earned him a cult following. A fixture on the Madchester party scene, he knew New Order from the very beginning of their career.

6 Ebooks door Michael Butterworth

Michael Butterworth: The Blue Monday Diaries
A firsthand account of the studio sessions for the fastest selling 12′ single ever, ‘Blue Monday’, New Order’s classic dance track, and Power, Corruption and Lies, their acclaimed second album. …
Michael Butterworth & H. W. Springer: MONDSTATION 1999, BAND 1
Es war eine unheimliche, fremdartige Landschaft, voll düsterer, qualmender Vulkane und erstarrter, vulkanischer Gesteinsfalten. Einstmals, vor Jahrtausenden, wimmelte es auf der Oberfläche von Lebe …
Michael Butterworth: DIE ZEIT DER HAWKLORDS
Tief im Zentrum der Erde liegt der Todesgenerator, vergraben vor Urzeiten von einer längst ausgestorbenen Rasse von Außerirdischen – nun wird er aktiviert… Denn inmitten der Ruinen Londons, umgeb …
Michael Butterworth: TIME OF THE HAWKLORDS
Deep at the Earth’s Centre lay the Death Generator. Buried there from time immemorial by a long-dead race of aliens, it had at last been triggered into action… For among the ruins of London, surr …
Michael L. Butterworth: Communication and Sport
Sport is a universal feature of global popular culture. It shapes our identities, affects our relationships, and defines our communities. It also influences our consumption habits, represents our cul …