Auteur: Michael Lane Lane Morris

Rob F. Poell is Professor of Human Resource Development (HRD) in the Department of HR Studies at Tilburg University, Netherlands. His interests include: workplace learning, continuing professional development, team/organizational learning, learning organizations, and knowledge hiding. Besides 80 book chapters, he has published over 150 articles in high-ranking HRD, HRM, management, and organization journals (e.g., Human Resource Development Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Teaching and Teacher Education, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Knowledge Management). In 2022 he received the Outstanding HRD Scholar award from the Academy of Human Resource Development.

1 Ebooks door Michael Lane Lane Morris

Tonette S. Rocco & Michael Lane Morris: The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Development
The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Development  offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of HRD, serving as both an orientation to the profession and an analytical examinati …