This book discusses the main concepts of the Standard Model of elementary particles in a compact and straightforward way. The work illustrates the unity of modern theoretical physics by combining approaches and concepts of the quantum field theory and modern condensed matter theory. The inductive approach allows a deep understanding of ideas and methods used for solving problems in this field.
I. Basics of Elementary Particles
II. Lagrange formalism
III. Canonical quantization
IV. Feynman Theory of Positrons
V. Scattering Matrix
VI. Invariant Perturbation Theory
VII. Exact Propagators and Vertices
VIII. Some Applications
IX. Path Integrals and Quantum Theory
X. Scalars and Spinors
XI. Gauge Fields
XII. Weinberg-Salam Model
XIII. Renormalization
XIV. Non-Pertubative Approaches
Over de auteur
Michael V. Sadovskii, Institute for Electrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.