Auteur: Michela Gnaldi

Enrico Carloni (Ph.D., Bononia University, 2001) is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Perugia, Italy, where he teaches anti-corruption and transparency policies. He is coordinator of the undergraduate and master”s degrees in political science, Director of the Study Center for Legality and Participation (LEPA) of University of Perugia, and is principal investigator of a European research project on administrative contrast to corruption (Hercules program, since 2019). He is the editor of Fighting corruption through administrative measures (Perugia, 2019) and co-author of Corruption and anti-corruption. Ten lessons (Milan, 2018, with R. Cantone). He was expert of the Council of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority and he has carried out consultancy and support for the development of anti-corruption policies in various international cooperation projects. Michela Gnaldi is Associate Professor of Applied Statistics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Perugia, Italy, where she teaches Data science for the quality of institutions and Quantitative methods in social research. She is consultant of the Council of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority, as a senior statistician, and of other national and international agencies (e.g., UNHCR and World Bank). She is the Principal Investigator of the project CO.R.E. – COrruption Risk indicators in Emergency – funded by the EU Commission under the call ISFP 2020 AG CORRUPT. She has been the co-leader of the Italian project “Measuring and contrasting corruption. Direct and indirect methods to quantify corruption”. She is official representative of the University of Perugia within the ECPR, European Consortium for Political Research, and its standing group “Anti-Corruption and Integrity”. She is co-editor, author and co-author of books and scientific articles on methodological issues in composite indicators construction, corruption measurement and indicators, and evaluation of the impact of public policies.

4 Ebooks door Michela Gnaldi

Adele Bianco & Paola Conigliaro: Italian Studies on Quality of Life
This volume provides an overview of the ways the Italian school of quality of life studies addresses well-being and quality of life, from both a substantive and a methodological point of view. I …
Silvia Bacci & Francesco Bartolucci: Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires
Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires: A Unified Approach Based on R and Stata presents special statistical methods for analyzing data collected by questionnaires. The book takes an applied approach …
Enrico Carloni & Michela Gnaldi: Understanding and Fighting Corruption in Europe
The volume includes comparative and comprehensive discussions on anti-corruption policies of governments and anti-corruption agencies across Europe. Compared to existing literature that focuses eithe …
Silvia Bacci & Francesco Bartolucci: Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires
Statistical Analysis of Questionnaires: A Unified Approach Based on R and Stata presents special statistical methods for analyzing data collected by questionnaires. The book takes an applied approach …