Misha Anderson is from Rio but she has been living in Salvador for 10 years. Married and mother of two children. Her relationship with books is a passion, a dependence, and a therapy. “Books, I love all of them, but my heart sways for erotic romances.” After a great turn of the destiny, after 10 years without writing, she returned to do what gives her a real pleasure: to talk about love.
2 Ebooks door Michele Viviane de Souza Silva
Michele Viviane de Souza Silva: En aquella estación
Cinco destinos y una sola estación… Meryl & Peter Liza & Vadinho Ken & Aurora Juanita & Liam Cinco destinos y una sola estación… Un capricho del acaso nos hacer cruzar sus historias y a …
Michele Viviane de Souza Silva: In That Station
In That Station is a tale with five love stories, which are crossed by a whim of chance, through an unexpected and fatal event that will change the way of everyone forever, making us reflect: On the …