Auteur: Milan Janic

Milan Janić is an air transport and traffic engineer and planner. He is currently Senior Researcher and the research programme leader of the Transport & Infrastructure Section at the OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment of Delft University of Technology (Delft, The Netherlands) and Research Professor at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering of the University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia). He has held the posts of Senior Researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University (Manchester, UK), Loughborough University (Transport Studies Group) (Loughborough, UK), and the Institute of Transport Research (Ljubljana, Slovenia). He has been involved in both national and international research and planning projects on air transport for about 25 years. He has published and presented many scientific and professional papers in journals and air transport related conferences, respectively. In addition, he has published three books: Air Transport System Analysis and Modelling: Capacity, Quality of Services and Economics, The Sustainability of Air Transportation: A Quantitative Analysis and Assessment, and Airport Analysis, Planning and Design: Demand, Capacity and Congestion.  He is a member of the Delft Aviation Centre (Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands), Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), Airfield and Airspace Capacity and Delay Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) (Washington DC, USA), and Network for European Communications and Transport Research (NECTAR).

15 Ebooks door Milan Janic

Milan Janić: Greening Airports
Greening Airports considers the “greening”, i.e., more sustainable development, of the entire air transport system – airports, air traffic control, and airlines – that could be achieved by the develo …
Milan Janić: Advanced Transport Systems
This book provides a systematic analysis, modeling and evaluation of the performance of advanced transport systems. It offers an innovative approach by presenting a multidimensional examination of th …
Milan Janić: Landside Accessibility of Airports
This book covers the analysis, modelling, planning, and design of airport landside access modes and their systems. It elaborates on the issues and related problems of airport landside accessibility i …
Milan Janic & Dusan Teodorovic: Transportation Engineering
Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and Modeling is a guide for integrating multi-modal transportation networks and assessing their potential cost and impact on society and the environment. …
Milan Janic: The Sustainability of Air Transportation
This book presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the sustainability of the contemporary civil air transport system, examining its three main components: airports, ai …
Milan Janic: The Sustainability of Air Transportation
This book presents, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the sustainability of the contemporary civil air transport system, examining its three main components: airports, ai …
Milan Janic: Air Transport System Analysis and Modelling
Presenting a comprehensive coverage, Air Transport System Analysis and Modelling is a unique text dealing with the analysis and modelling of the processes and operations carried out in all three part …
Milan Janic: Transport Systems
The transport sector consists of different modes of transport, each serving a growing demand for transporting people and goods. This (growing) demand on the one hand, needs expanding the systems’ cap …
Milan Janic: Airport Analysis, Planning and Design
Airports are components of the air transport system together with the ATC (Air Traffic Control), and airlines. Many existing airports have been confronted with increasing requirements for providing t …
Ami Rokach: Loneliness, Love and All that’s Between
Loneliness, as old as time itself, is not easy to define. It’s a bit like love – you know when you feel it, but cannot specifically define it. However, no one who ever walked on the face of this eart …
Milan Janic: System Analysis and Modelling in Air Transport
This book presents a comprehensive analysis and modelling of demand, capacity, quality of services, economics, and sustainability of the air transport system and its main components – – airports, air …
Milan Janic: System Analysis and Modelling in Air Transport
This book presents a comprehensive analysis and modelling of demand, capacity, quality of services, economics, and sustainability of the air transport system and its main components – – airports, air …
Milan Janic: Transport Systems
The transport sector consists of different modes of transport, each serving a growing demand for transporting people and goods. This (growing) demand on the one hand, needs expanding the systems’ cap …
Milan Janic & Dusan Teodorovic: Transportation Engineering
Transportation Engineering: Theory, Practice and Modeling, Second Edition presents comprehensive information related to traffic engineering and control, transportation planning and evaluation of tran …
Milan Janić: Resilience, Robustness, and Vulnerability of Transport Systems
This book is focused on the analysis and modelling of resilience, robustness, and vulnerability of transport systems and their complement: reliability. It provides an elaboration on their generic con …