Auteur: Mira Kelley

Mira Kelley was born in Bulgaria and moved to New York City to pursue a career in law. She was inspired by her young niece to write Allegra”s Hat. One summer day, Mira was taking the subway to visit Allegra and play with her. The train Mira was traveling on stopped at a station where the walls were adorned with mosaics with different kinds of hats. Mesmerized, she began to imagine a series of adventures for a hat owned by her niece, and a magical tale of love, wisdom, and adventure was born. Mira Kelley lives in New York City, lecturing and practicing past-life regression. She is the bestselling author of Beyond Past Lives, an emotional exploration of the power of past-life regression and its impact on herself and her clients.

3 Ebooks door Mira Kelley

Mira Kelley: Allegra’s Hat
Told with a flowing, rich style, Allegras Hat is the simple yet powerful story of the delightful journey taken by a beautiful hat that is pulled from the grip of a young girl by a gust of wind and sw …
Mira Kelley: Parallele Leben
Dank der Erkenntnisse, die Mira Kelley als Rückführungstherapeutin seit Jahren aus den lebensverändernden Lektionen ihrer Klienten und Klientinnen gewinnt, hat sie wertvolle Tools und Techniken entwi …
Mira Kelley: Beyond Past Lives