Discover the emerging science and engineering of System of
Many challenges of the twenty-first century, such as fossil fuel
energy resources, require a new approach. The emergence of System
of Systems (So S) and System of Systems Engineering (So SE) presents
engineers and professionals with the potential for solving many of
the challenges facing our world today. This groundbreaking book
brings together the viewpoints of key global players in the field
to not only define these challenges, but to provide possible
Each chapter has been contributed by an international expert,
and topics covered include modeling, simulation, architecture, the
emergence of So S and So SE, net-centricity, standards, management,
and optimization, with various applications to defense,
transportation, energy, the environment, healthcare, service
industry, aerospace, robotics, infrastructure, and information
The book has been complemented with several case
studies–Space Exploration, Future Energy Resources,
Commercial Airlines Maintenance, Manufacturing Sector, Service
Sector, Intelligent Transportation, Future Combat Missions, Global
Earth Observation System of Systems project, and many more–to
give readers an understanding of the real-world applications of
this relatively new technology. System of Systems
Engineering is an indispensable resource for aerospace and
defense engineers and professionals in related fields.
Preface ix
About the Editor xi
Contributors xiii
1. Introduction to System of Systems 1
Mo Jamshidi
2. An Open Systems Approach to System of Systems Engineering
Cyrus Azani
3. Engineering of a System of Systems 44
Gary D. Wells and Andrew P. Sage
4. System of Systems Architecting 77
Cihan H. Dagli and Nil Kilicay-Ergin
5. Modeling and Simulation for Systems of Systems Engineering
Saurabh Mittal, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jose L. Risco Martin,
Ferat Sahin, and Mo Jamshidi
6. Net Centricity and System of Systems 150
Robert J. Cloutier, Michael J. Di Mario, and Hans W.
7. Emergence in System of Systems 169
Charles B. Keating
8. System of Systems Management 191
Brian Sauser, John Boardman, and Alex Gorod
9. Systems Engineering for Department of Defense Systems of
Systems 218
Judith S. Dahmann
10. Boeing’s So SE Approach to e-Enabling Commercial Airlines
George F. Wilber
11. System of Systems Perspectives on Infrastructures 257
Wil A.H. Thissen and Paulien M. Herder
12. Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Case Study in System
of Systems Perspective 275
Prasanna Sridhar, Asad M. Madni, and Mo Jamshidi
13. A System of Systems View of Services 293
James M. Tien
14. System of Systems Engineering in Space Exploration 317
Steven D. Jolly and Brian K. Muirhead
15. Communication and Navigation Networks in Space System of
Systems 348
Kul B. Bhasin and Jeffrey L. Hayden
16. Operation and Control of Electrical Power Systems 385
Petr Korba and Ian A. Hiskens
17. Future Transportation Fuel System of Systems 409
Michael Duffy, Bobi Garrett, Cynthia Riley, and Debra
18. Sustainable Environmental Management from a System of
Systems Engineering Perspective 443
Keith W. Hipel, Amer Obeidi, Liping Fang, and D. Marc
19. Robotic Swarms as System of Systems 482
Ferat Sahin
20. Understanding Transportation as a System of Systems Problem
Daniel A. De Laurentis
21. Health Care System of Systems 542
Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Suresh Chalasani, Rajendra V. Boppana,
and Asad M. Madni
22. System of Systems Engineering of GEOSS 551
Ryosuke Shibasaki and Jay S. Pearlman
Author Index 573
Subject Index 576
Over de auteur
Mo Jamshidi, Ph D, is the Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He was the founding director of the Center for Autonomous Control Engineering (ACE) at the University of New Mexico, and moved the Center to the University of Texas at San Antonio in early 2006. He has been the Director of the International Consortium on System of Systems ( since 2006 and is an Adjunct Professor of Engineering at Deakin University in Australia. He is also the Regents Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the AT&T Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Jamshidi has contributed globally to the field of large-scale complex systems and their applications in and integration with various control and modeling paradigms, including intermixing control theory and intelligent paradigms of artificial intelligence.?He is a fellow of six professional academies in the U.S. and overseas.