“IN a certain country there dwelt a prince whose name was Elkàbo. He had a dear little daughter called Uletka, who was a most sweet child. She and her father lived quite alone in an old castle with four towers, that stood in a beautiful glade in the centre of a great forest.” “Uletka was a most dainty and lovely little maid, her wingsshe had wings, being related to a fairyhad grown quite strong, and glistened in the sunshine, reflecting all the colours of the rainbow. So sweet and graceful was little Uletka, that perhaps you would imagine she had no faults. Unfortunately she had one, which a wicked and revengeful fairy, who was offended with Nastia, her mother, had endowed her with, and this was the dreadful fault of Curiosity.” – Old Hungarian Fairy Tales
2 Ebooks door Montagu Barstow
Baroness Orczy & Montagu Barstow: Old Hungarian Fairy Tales
THERE lies before me, as I write, a quaint old book; from this little book—torn and soiled, its edges all gone—nearly all the stories in this volume are drawn. In their earliest childhood Hungarian c …
Baroness Orczy: Old Hungarian Fairy Tales
THERE lies before me, as I write, a quaint old book; from this little book—torn and soiled, its edges all gone—nearly all the stories in this volume are drawn. In their earliest ch …