Louise Hickman is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Ethics at Newman University, Birmingham, UK. She edits Reviews in Science and Religion, and has published in the areas of science and religion and the history of philosophy. Her publications include Eighteenth Century Dissent and Cambridge Platonism.
5 Ebooks door Neil Spurway
John P. Buckley: Exercise Physiology in Special Populations
Exercise Physiology in Special Populations covers the prevalent health conditions that are either linked to an inactive lifestyle or whose effects can be ameliorated by increasing physical activity a …
Neil Spurway: Theology, Evolution and the Mind
In pre-scientific thought mind itself, and its religious perceptions particularly, were considered gifts from God, injected into a previously created world of matter. By contrast, all the contributor …
Neil Spurway: Creation and the Abrahamic Faiths
Creation! How we are here. Not just us, of course, but bluetits and Hereford cattle and cabbages and E. coli and deserts and mountains and suns and nebulae … in fact, all that is. So not only " …
Louise Hickman & Neil Spurway: Laws of Nature, Laws of God?
Up until the time of Newton, scientists regarded the understandings of the physical world, at which they were arriving, as glimpses of the working of the Creator’s mind. Thus, the generalisations bei …
Neil Spurway: Forty Years of Science and Religion
This book celebrates the fortieth anniversary of the UK’s Science and Religion Forum by bringing together leading scientific and theological thinkers to reflect on the last four decades of the scienc …