Essay aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Soziologie – Politik, Majoritäten, Minoritäten, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the debate on race relations in Brazil. The main focus of this work is to examine inequality of opportunities between whites and nonwhites and how class and racial discrimination impacts outcomes for social advancement. Although many scholars, intellectuals and authors have contributed to an analysis of this debate, race relations in Brazil remains a very confounding and provocative issue. The rapid and tremendous growth that Brazil is currently experiencing has brought increased stratification between races and classes and a recurrence of the public debate on this complex issue. This paper will trace the history of this debate, the myth of racial democracy, the Afro-Brazilian militant movement and provide a brief overview of the existing quantitative research on Brazilian race relations.
Over de auteur
Neil Turner is an American anthropologist living in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. and a M.A. in Anthropology. While in the USA, Dr. Turner worked as a research analyst for the American College of Physicians (1992 – 2002), and he has worked as a computer information technician for the oldest law practice in the United States, Rawle & Henderson (2005 – 2007). As a professor, he has taught at Tufts University, Boston, MA., California State University, Los Angeles, CA and as an adjunct professor at American Pathways University, Denver, CO. Dr. Turner has authored several papers and his work has been published by Grin Publishers, Munich, Germany. Also, his work has appeared in the Italian online journal for anthropology, Antrocom. Currently, he is teaching ESL, TOEFL, developing educational software for the computer and conducting ethnographic research for a book on Brazil.