Two decades after the publication of Clifford and Marcus’ volume Writing Culture, this collection provides a fresh and diverse reassessment of the debates that this pioneering volume unleashed. At the same time, Beyond Writing Culture moves the debate on by embracing the more fundamental challenge as to how to conceptualise the intricate relationship between epistemology and representational practices rather than maintaining the original narrow focus on textual analysis. It thus offers a thought-provoking tapestry of new ideas relevant for scholars not only concerned with ‘the ethnographic Other’, but with representation in general.
Chapter 1. Prologue: Opening Doors Beyond Writing Culture
Olaf Zenker and Karsten Kumoll
Chapter 2. Textualization, Mystification and the Power of the Frame
Vincent Crapanzano
Chapter 3. Reading James Clifford: On Ethnographic Allegory
Steffen Strohmenger
Chapter 4. Indigenous Research and the Politics of Representation: Notes on the Cultural Theory of Marshall Sahlins
Karsten Kumoll
Chapter 5. From the Spirit’s Point of View: Ethnography, Total Truth and Speakership
Thomas G. Kirsch
Chapter 6. Interlogue: ‘Writing Cultures’ and the Quest for Knowledge
Rozita Dimova
Chapter 7. Language Matters: Reflexive Notes on Representing the Irish Language Revival in Catholic West Belfast
Olaf Zenker
Chapter 8. Ethnographic Cognition and Writing Culture
Christophe Heintz
Chapter 9. Hard Truths: Addressing a Crisis in Ethnography
Stephen P. Reyna
Chapter 10. The Migration of the ‘Culture’ Concept from Anthropology to Sociology at the Fin de siècle
John H. Zammito
Chapter 11. Epilogue: How Do Paradigm Shifts Work in Anthropology? On the Relationship of Theory and Experience
Günther Schlee
Notes on Contributors
Over de auteur
Karsten Kumoll is Programme Manager at the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat), advising the Federal and State (Länder) governments on the system of higher education and research. He obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Freiburg. Its subject was Marshall Sahlins’ complete works and it was subsequently published as: Kultur, Geschichte und die Indigenisierung der Moderne: Eine Analyse des Gesamtwerks von Marshall Sahlins (Bielefeld, 2007).