Auteur: Oleinik Anton

Dr. Anton Oleinik is a professor of sociology who taught in Canada (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s), Kazakstan (Academy of Public Administration, Astana), Mongolia (National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar) and Russia (Smolny College, St. Petersburg). His areas of expertise are political sociology, social data science, text-as-data, content analysis and mixed methods research. He previously authored Building Ukraine from Within: A Sociological, Institutional and Economic Analysis of a Nation-State in the Making, The Invisible Hand of Power: An Economic Theory of Gatekeeping, Market as a Weapon: The Socio-Economic Machinery of Dominance in Russia and Organized Crime, Prison and Post-Soviet Societies.

1 Ebooks door Oleinik Anton

Anton Oleinik: A Comparative Analysis of Political and Media Discourses about Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
​This book explores the discursive dimension of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It analyzes how political leaders, mass media, social media, and ordinary people in Ukraine, Russia, the United States, t …