Auteur: Om

During my darkest hours of contemplating suicide, I had a truly spiritual encounter where I connected with the universal truth and through fourteen years I have been guided to learn about this magnificent truth in magazine articles, movies, and internet sites. Everytime I learned something new, I gained a better understanding of the knowledge that was given to me during my encounter. Now that the book is complete, I have the duty to bring this truth and revelation to the world. I am a mother of four and grandmother of four who believes that everyone deserves the chance of living thier dream life which can be done throught the unity of the people. My dream in life is to see all life united as one so that we can bring our loving energy to the whole and resurrect our Creator out of darkness. I learned that Jesus Christ taught to pray alone in the wilderness because only through our union with ourselves and Mother Earth can we be resurrected. I have read alot of information from scientists, spiritual channels, and everyday people, but unfortunately they frequently contradict each other making it hard to decide what is truth and what is mind manipulation. What I do know as truth from my encounter is that every life form regardess of species or location, are all thought energy forms from the Creator and that our sole purpose is to unite together through forgiveness and unconditional love, regardless of race or species, and start creating new life, thus correcting our loop in time. I know it”s hard to love when our environment is so volitile and stronger forces are manipulating our minds but the one thing they can”t control is our capacity to love. If we can forgive others, especially ourselves, for harming us and our loved ones, because we understand that no one has asked for this darkness that governs us, we will always have love in our daily life, or even in our passing, and we will resurrect. Our resurrection will then give us the wisdom and loving energy to help others resurrect! Everyday I learn something that expands my understanding of things I”ve learned showing me that there is no absolute truth, except what you know through experience. I pray everyone reading this excerpt, and hopefully the book, will beleive in this life and will focus their loving energy on moving this spiritual information into the minds of every being in our world. It”s time for the illuminati, also know as Annunacki, to resurrect us all out of this darkness through love, forgiveness and unity. Please, for the sake of your own life, develop the Holistic Governance and save our world! For those who enjoy videos, there is a video on You Tube titled, “2012 Love to Live” by peacealife that you might like. Please remember that I love you, the Cosmos loves, and more importantly, remember to love yourself everyday. Many blessings. Namaste.

2 Ebooks door Om

Om: The Resurrection of Humanity
This book is called ‘The Resurrection of Humanity’ because the only way to stop the destruction of our world, and the decreasing consciousness of our Creator, is to wake us all up, and that includes …
Akshay Kumar & Om Prakash Yadav: Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory
In recent years, substantial efforts are being made in the development of reliability theory including fuzzy reliability theories and their applications to various real-life problems. Fuzzy set …