Auteur: P. W. C. Prasad

DR. SUBHAS CHANDRA MUKHOPADHYAY Dr. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (M’97, SM’02, F’11) graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India with a Gold medal and received the Master of Electrical Engineering degree from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He has Ph D (Eng.) degree from Jadavpur University, India and Doctor of Engineering degree from Kanazawa University, Japan. Currently he is working as a Professor of Mechanical/Electronics Engineering and Discipline Leader of the Mechatronics Degree Programme of the School of Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He has over 30 years of teaching and research experiences. His fields of interest include Smart Sensors and Sensing Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Electromagnetics, Control Engineering, Magnetic Bearing, Fault Current Limiter, Electrical Machines and numerical field calculation etc. He has authored/co-authored over 500 papers in different international journals, conferences and book chapter. He has edited eighteen conference proceedings. He has also edited twenty five special issues of international journals as lead guest editor and thirty-five books with Springer-Verlag. He was awarded numerous awards throughout his career and attracted over AUD 6.2 M on different research projects. He has delivered 359 seminars including keynote, tutorial, invited and special seminars. He is a Fellow of IEEE (USA), a Fellow of IET (UK) and a Fellow of IETE (India). He is a Topical Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal and an Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation. He has organized many international conferences either as General Chair or Technical programme chair. He is the Founding Chair of the IEEE Sensors Council New South Wales Chapter. Dr SMN Arosha Senanayake Dr SMN Arosha Senanayke, Senior Member of IEEE is the founder and leader of Intelli Health Solutions (Technology Licensing) and he has a well balanced portfolio on research, education (teaching) and service (administration). Currently, Dr Arosha is working at Multimedia University, Malaysia where he launched novel research directions on Hybrid Augmented Intelligent Robotics (HAIR) jointly with pharmaceutical experts at Taylor’s University, and clinical experts at Sydney University. He is also engaged as visiting and adjunct professor/academic at different institutions in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia.             Having served as an assistant lecturer, lecturer, and senior lecturer at two different universities in his motherland Sri Lanka, he was invited to serve as a senior research fellow at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Dr. Arosha joined Monash University Sunway Campus as a senior lecturer in 2002 where he was considered an active researcher. He succeeded in getting the largest e Science fund from the Ministry of Science Technology & Innovation under the title Bio-Inspired Robotic Devices for Sportsman Screening Services (BIRDSSS). Based on research outcomes, he was awarded Pro-Vice Chancellor’s award for excellence in research within three consecutive years; 2008, 2009, and 2010. In 2011, Dr Arosha joined as an associate professor in artificial intelligence at the University of Brunei Darussalam. He was the recipient of the UK-South East Asia Knowledge Partnership – Collaborative Development Award, 2013. In 2021, he jointly with team members from Japan, Malaysia, and Vietnam was the recipient of research excellence award by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan for the best project among 6 leading projects sponsored by the NICT during 2017-2020. He has been appointed as a liaison officer and visiting professor under the Advanced Global Program (AGP) at Gifu University, Japan since 2018.             As a Senior Member of IEEE, Dr Arosha actively engaged with IEEE during the last two decades. He served as a chairman of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Chapter, the director of IEEE Asia-Pacific Robotics & Automation Council, and student branch counselor. He also serves as an associate editor of 4 international journals, reviewer of 13 different IEEE Transactions, ELSEVIER, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Acta press, etc. Dr. Arosha authored a book with the title Bio-Interfacing Devices. He was an editor for 10 proceedings. He was an external examiner for Ph D and Master’s by research candidates at well-known universities in the Asia Pacific region. Dr. P.W.C. Prasad PWC Prasad is an Associate Professor with the School of Computing and Mathematics at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Before this, he was a lecturer at the United Arab Emirates University in UAE, Multimedia University in Malaysia, and also the Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT), Sri Lanka. He gained his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from St Petersburg State Electrotechnical University in the early 90s and completed his Ph D studies at the Multimedia University in Malaysia. He is an active researcher in computer architecture, digital systems, and modeling and simulation”. He has published more than 230 research articles in computing and engineering journals and conference proceedings. He has co-authored two books entitled ‘Digital Systems Fundamentals’ and ‘Computer Systems Organization and Architecture’ published by Prentice Hall. He is a senior member of the IEEE Computer Society.  

1 Ebooks door P. W. C. Prasad

Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay & S.M. Namal Arosha Senanayake: Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications
This book presents the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems & Industrial Application (CITISIA), held in virtual mode in Sydney, Australia …