Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, M. Tech. in Computer Science from University of Calcutta in 1987, awarded Ph. D. (Engineering) in Computer Science and Engineering by Jadavpur University in 2000. Working as Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, former Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Technology & Management, KU for two consecutive terms during 2008-2012. Director, IQAC, Kalyani University and Chairman, CIRM, and Placement Cell. Served as Professor Computer Applications, KGEC, as Associate Professor Computer Science, Assistant Professor Computer Science North Bengal University for fifteen years, as lecturer at NERIST, Itanagar for one year. 34 years of teaching and research experience in Coding theory, Data and Network Security and authentication; Remote Sensing & GIS based Applications, Data Compression, Error Correction, Visual Cryptography and Steganography. Awarded 24 Ph. D. Degrees, one submitted and 8 are pursuing. Supervised 03 M. Phil, more than 80 M. Tech and more than 150 M.C.A Dissertations. Guest Editor of MST Journal (SCI indexed) of Springer. Published more than 450 research articles out of which 190 articles in International Journals. Published 12 books from LAP Germany, IGI Global, Springer etc. Organized more than 50 International Conferences and Corresponding Editors of edited volumes and conference publications of Springer, IEEE and Elsevier etc. and edited more than 50 volumes as volume editor. Received “Siksha Ratna” award from Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, India in the year 2018 for outstanding teaching activities. Vidyasagaraward from International Society for Science Technology and management in the fifth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network. Chapter Patron Award, CSI Kolkata Chapter on 2014. “Bharat Jyoti Award” for meritorious services, outstanding performances and remarkable role in the field of Computer Science & Engineering on 29th August, 2012 from International Friendship Society (IIFS), New Delhi, A. M. Bose Memorial Silver medal and Kali Prasanna Dasgupta Memorial Silver medal from Jadavpur University.
Dr. Pao-Ann Hsiung got his Ph D in Electrical Engineering from the National Taiwan University in 1996. He was the Director-General of the Smart Technology Office at the Chiayi City Government, Taiwan. He helped the city to obtain huge funds of around 300M NT$. As a result, Chiayi City was awarded the Top7 Smart City in the World by ICF Forum. He was also the Dean of International Affairs and the CS Department Chair at the National Chung Cheng University, where currently he is a full professor and Director of the Smart Living Technology Research Center. He has published more than 280 papers in top journals and international conferences. His main research interests include smart system design, blockchain, Io T design, distributed security, and smart grid. He is an IET Fellow and has received several international and national accolades such as Excellent Research Awards, etc.
Dr. Rudra Sankar Dhar obtained his B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, from CVRCE, Orissa, M.Phil in Microelectronics Engineering from University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and earned his Ph.D. degree in field of Nanotechnology Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada. He worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the area of Nanomaterials technology and Smart Electronics for development of green technology nanodevices at the University of Alberta, Canada. He has also served and worked as teacher and researcher for more than 15 years at some of the reputed Industry and Institutes globally such as Chipworks Inc. Canada, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Thapar University, India among few others in the area of nano-microelectronic and optoelectronic technology and devices based on semiconductor, molecular and smart materials for emerging IOT, networking and circuitry applications. Presently, he is working in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at NIT Mizoram since December 2015. He has solely supervised 1 Ph D while 10 others are pursuing and many M.Tech students to completion and executed a few high value sponsored projects in India and abroad. He is the author of one book, and many Scopus indexed international book chapters while he has published more than 60 articles in international peer-reviewed high impact journals and conferences world-wide. He is also a reviewer and editor of many Scopus indexed journals and conferences. His research interests include semiconductor device physics, nanomaterials technology, microelectronic devices, IOT, networking and applications.
13 Ebooks door Pao-Ann Hsiung
Sao-Jie Chen & Guang-Huei Lin: Hardware Software Co-Design of a Multimedia SOC Platform
Hardware Software Co-Design of a Multimedia SOC Platform is one of the first of its kinds to provide a comprehensive overview of the design and implementation of the hardware and software of an So C …
Tevfik Bultan & Pao-Ann Hsiung: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA 2011, held in Taipei, Taiwan, in October 2011.The 23 revi …
Ashish Kumar Luhach & Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari: Smart Computational Strategies: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
This book covers new developments and advances in the field of Computational Strategies for next-generation computing. The contributing authors share diverse perspectives on and extensive discussions …
Pao-Ann Hsiung & Chun-Hsian Huang: Reconfigurable System Design and Verification
Reconfigurable systems have pervaded nearly all fields of computation and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Reconfigurable System Design and Verification provides a compendium of des …
Pao-Ann Hsiung & Chun-Hsian Huang: Reconfigurable System Design and Verification
Reconfigurable systems have pervaded nearly all fields of computation and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Reconfigurable System Design and Verification provides a compendium of des …
Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari & Pao-Ann Hsiung: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This two-volume set (CCIS 955 and CCIS 956) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2018, held in Shimla, In …
Kamarul Bin Ghazali Hawari & Pao-Ann Hsiung: Advanced Informatics for Computing Research
This two-volume set (CCIS 955 and CCIS 956) constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Informatics for Computing Research, ICAICR 2018, held in Shimla, In …
Jemal Abawajy & Shyam Akashe: Communication, Networks and Computing
This book constitutes selected and revised papers presented at the Second International Conference on Communication, Networks and Computing, CNC 2020, held in Gwalior, India, in December 2020. The 23 …
Jyotsna Kumar Mandal & Pao-Ann Hsiung: Topical Drifts in Intelligent Computing
This book gathers a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented at International Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications (ICCTA 2021), organized by the Electron …
Jemal H. Abawajy & Shyam Akashe: Communication, Networks and Computing
These two volumes constitute the selected and revised papers presented at the Second International Conference on Communication, Networks and Computing, CNC 2022, held in Gwalior, India, in December 2 …
Jemal H. Abawajy & Shyam Akashe: Communication, Networks and Computing
These two volumes constitute the selected and revised papers presented at the Second International Conference on Communication, Networks and Computing, CNC 2022, held in Gwalior, India, in December 2 …
Pao-Ann Hsiung & Anshu Singla: Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things based Augmented Trends for Data Driven Systems
This book comprehensively discusses the role of cloud computing in artificial intelligence based data driven systems and hybrid cloud computing for large data driven applications. It further explores …
Pao-Ann Hsiung & Anshu Singla: Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things based Augmented Trends for Data Driven Systems
This book comprehensively discusses the role of cloud computing in artificial intelligence based data driven systems and hybrid cloud computing for large data driven applications. It further explores …