Dr Robina Shah, MBE DL JP FRCGP (Hon) is a psychologist and academic. She has been actively involved in health and social care policy and strategy, at national and regional level for over 25 years. Robina is also the author of numerous publications and has achieved national and international recognition for her published work. She is the National Director of Strategy and Policy on Carers for Frenkel Topping Ltd .as well as the Academic Lead for Patient and Public Involvement at Manchester University Medical School where she is also co-lead for compassionate care. Robina is a member of the Governments Standing Commission on Carers and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Robina is also an independent member of the Ministerial Cross Government Hate Crime Advisory Group.
3 Ebooks door Paul Giannasi
Paul Giannasi & Robina Shah: Tackling Disability Discrimination and Disability Hate Crime
Placing the experiences of victims at its heart, this book provides an authoritative overview of disability hate crime – explaining what it is, how it happens, its legal status, the impact on victims …
Abbee (International Institute for Radicalisation and Security Studies, Canada) Corb & Paul Giannasi: The Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime
This edited collection brings together many of the world”s leading experts, both academic and practitioner, in a single volume handbook that examines key international issues in the field of hate cr …
Abbee Corb & Paul Giannasi: Routledge International Handbook on Hate Crime
This edited collection brings together many of the world’s leading experts, both academic and practitioner, in a single volume handbook that examines key international issues in the field of hate cri …