Auteur: Paul Morand

Paul Morand (1888-1976) was born in Paris and, after studying at the École des Sciences Politiques, joined the diplomatic corps, serving in London, Rome, Berne and Bucharest. In a long and busy life, he found time to write poetry, novels, short stories and travel books. Married to a Romanian Princess, he was made a member of the Académie Française in 1968.

8 Ebooks door Paul Morand

Paul Morand: Venices
‘It is after experiencing life that I have returned here to think about myself.’ Paul Morand was a diplomat, traveller, socialite and one of the most erudite and original writers of the twentieth cen …
Paul Morand: The Allure of Chanel
The story of Coco Chanel in her own words, as told by her to Paul Morand Told in her own words, Coco Chanel’s memories offer a rare glimpse into the mind of one of the most influential women in fashi …
Paul Morand: The Allure of Chanel
Deluxe edition, illustrated by Karl Lagerfeld and authorised by Chanel Told in her own words, Coco Chanel's memories offer a rare glimpse into the mind of one of the most influential women in fa …
Paul Morand: The Man in a Hurry
No one can keep up with Pierre Niox, the speediest antiques dealer in Paris, although not necessarily the most competent. As he dashes about at a dizzying pace, his impatience becomes too much to bea …
Paul Morand: Tender Shoots
Composed before and during the first months of the First World War, Paul Morand did not publish these stories until 1921. Clarissa, Delphine and Aurora – three alluring and independent young women – …
Karl Lagerfeld & Paul Morand: L”allure de Chanel
Nouvelle édition, illustrée par Karl Lagerfeld. Ce dernier livre de Paul Morand, l”un des plus attachants de son oeuvre, réunit, au passage, des portraits de Missia Sert, Erik Satie, Serge Lifar, Ge …
Paul Morand: L’allure de Chanel
Ce livre, le dernier de Paul Morand, etonne, au premier abord, parce que le grand ecrivain s’efface derriere la voix et la parole de Gabrielle Chanel elle-meme : Je pris plaisir a relire mes feuillet …
Roger Nimier: L”Étrangère
Au lendemain de la guerre, une jolie Tchèque, Alina, qui a épousé un militaire américain, vient prendre pension chez la mère de l”auteur. Le mari, fort imprudemment, confie son épouse au jeune homme …