Auteur: Peter A. Freeman

William Aspray is Professor of Information Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is trained as a historian of science and has spent most of his career studying the histories of computing, information, mathematics, and electrical engineering. He formerly taught at Harvard University, Indiana University Bloomington, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, Virginia Tech, and Williams College, and served in leadership positions at the Charles Babbage Institute, Computing Research Association, and IEEE History Center. He led a history of computing project at NSF in the early 1990s, and he has published three articles and a book about NSF computing activities (Participation in Computing: The National Science Foundation”s Expansionary Programs, Springer, 2016).

3 Ebooks door Peter A. Freeman

Peter A. Freeman & W. Richards Adrion: Computing and the National Science Foundation, 1950-2016
This organizational history relates the role of the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the development of modern computing. Drawing upon new and existing oral histories, extensive use of NSF docu …
W. Richards Adrion & William Aspray: Computing and the National Science Foundation, 1950-2016
This organizational history relates the role of the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the development of modern computing.Drawing upon new and existing oral histories, extensive use of NSF …
Peter A. Freeman: Vision and Actualization in Academia
Although difficult, change in academic structures is necessary today, especially in fast-changing fields today such as biology, computing, management, the social sciences, and others. This includes c …