365 daily design mantras from four leading industry experts, providing you with valuable design dos and don’ts for every day of year. Packed with practical advice presented in a fun, lighthearted fashion, this is the perfect book for the ever-growing group of non-designers who want some graphic design guidance. And for more experienced designers, individual entries will either bring forth knowing nods of agreement or hoots of derision, depending on whether or not the reader loves or hates hyphenation, has a pathological fear of beige, or thinks that baseline grids are boring. In the style of a classical almanac, 365 entries combine a specific rule with a commentary from a variety of experienced designers from all fields of the graphic design industry. Covering topics such as typography, colour, layout, imagery, production, and creative thinking, you can either dip in at random or use the book as the source of a daily lesson in how to produce great graphic design.
Over de auteur
Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka are partners at Adams Morioka, a Los Angeles-based strategy and communications firm with offices in Beverly Hills and New York. Adams Morioka has been globally recognized by every major competition and publication, including Communication Arts, AIGA, Graphis, and the New York Art Director’s Club. Adams is the national president and past national board member of AIGA, and past president of AIGA Los Angeles. www.adamsmorioka.com