Auteur: Peter Goodyear

Robert Ellis is a professor and Dean (Learning and Teaching) across six faculties at Griffith University, Australia. Previously, he was the inaugural Director of e Learning at the University of Sydney and associate professor in the Institute for Teaching and Learning. He is a coordinating editor for Higher Education and co-series editor of Understanding Teaching and Learning Practice, both with Springer. He has been an Australian Research Council researcher since 2005, investigating quality in learning and teaching, the student experience of technology-enhanced learning and learning environments. His research program comprises over 80 journal, book and conference publications, aimed at making a meaningful social contribution to education and its participants through translational research outcomes. Peter Goodyear is a professor of Education at the University of Sydney, where he established and co-directed the Centre for Research on Computer-Supported Learning and Cognition (Co Co) and led the Sciences and Technologies of Learning research network, before founding and co-directing the University’s Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation (CRLI), a multi-faculty collaboration involving over 200 academic staff and Ph D students. Peter’s research interests include design for learning, networked learning, complex learning spaces, the nature of professional knowledge and professional education. In 2008, he was awarded a senior fellowship of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, and in 2010 he became an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow – the first and so far the only Laureate Fellow working in the field of Education. He has published 11 books and over 120 journal articles and book chapters, and his current program of research aims to strengthen the role of design knowledge in higher education.

12 Ebooks door Peter Goodyear

Lina Markauskaite & Peter Goodyear: Epistemic Fluency and Professional Education
This book, by combining sociocultural, material, cognitive and embodied perspectives on human knowing, offers a new and powerful conceptualisation of epistemic fluency – a capacity that underpins kno …
Robert A. Ellis & Peter Goodyear: Spaces of Teaching and Learning
This integrated collection of perspectives on the spaces of teaching and learning uses ‘learning space’ to place educational practice in context. It considers the complex relationships involved in th …
Lucila Carvalho & Peter Goodyear: Architecture of Productive Learning Networks
The Architecture of Productive Learning Networks explores the characteristics of productive networked learning situations and, through a series of case studies, identifies some of the key qualities o …
Lucila Carvalho & Peter Goodyear: Architecture of Productive Learning Networks
The Architecture of Productive Learning Networks explores the characteristics of productive networked learning situations and, through a series of case studies, identifies some of the key qualities o …
Peter Goodyear & Barbara L Grabowski: Handbook of Design in Educational Technology
The Handbook of Design in Educational Technology provides up-to-date, comprehensive summaries and syntheses of recent research pertinent to the design of information and communication technologies to …
Peter Goodyear & Barbara L Grabowski: Handbook of Design in Educational Technology
The Handbook of Design in Educational Technology provides up-to-date, comprehensive summaries and syntheses of recent research pertinent to the design of information and communication technologies to …
Robert Ellis & Peter Goodyear: Students’ Experiences of e-Learning in Higher Education
Students’ Experiences of e-learning in Higher Education helps higher education instructors and university managers understand how e-learning relates to, and can be integrated with, other student expe …
Robert Ellis & Peter Goodyear: Students’ Experiences of e-Learning in Higher Education
Students’ Experiences of e-learning in Higher Education helps higher education instructors and university managers understand how e-learning relates to, and can be integrated with, other student expe …
Lucila Carvalho & Peter Goodyear: Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning
With the boundaries of place softened and extended by digital communications technologies, learning in a networked society necessitates new distributions of activity across time, space, media, and pe …
Lucila Carvalho & Peter Goodyear: Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning
With the boundaries of place softened and extended by digital communications technologies, learning in a networked society necessitates new distributions of activity across time, space, media, and pe …
Robert A. Ellis & Peter Goodyear: Education Ecology of Universities
Many universities around the world are finding that the structures and processes they have put in place to further their educational missions are being tested by rapidly changing circumstances. These …
Robert A. Ellis & Peter Goodyear: Education Ecology of Universities
Many universities around the world are finding that the structures and processes they have put in place to further their educational missions are being tested by rapidly changing circumstances. These …