In view of the incessant growth of data and knowledge and the continued diversifi- tion of information dissemination on a global scale, scalability has become a ma- stream research area in computer science and information systems. The ICST INFO- SCALE conference is one of the premier forums for presenting new and exciting research related to all aspects of scalability, including system architecture, resource management, data management, networking, and performance. As the fourth conf- ence in the series, INFOSCALE 2009 was held in Hong Kong on June 10 and 11, 2009. The articles presented in this volume focus on a wide range of scalability issues and new approaches to tackle problems arising from the ever-growing size and c- plexity of information of all kind. More than 60 manuscripts were submitted, and the Program Committee selected 22 papers for presentation at the conference. Each s- mission was reviewed by three members of the Technical Program Committee.
A Fully Data-Driven Reconfigurable Architecture with Very Coarse-Grained Execution Units.- Identify Intimate Social Relationship in Blogsphere.- Local vs. Global Scalability in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.- Measuring IP Address Fragmentation from BGP Routing Dynamics.- On Improving Network Locality in Bit Torrent-Like Systems.- Parallel File Transfer for Grid Economic.- Performance Evaluation of Identity and Access Management Systems in Federated Environments.- Power Consumption Optimization of MPI Programs on Multi-core Clusters.- Scalable Workload Adaptation for Mixed Workload.- Tuning Performance of P2P Mesh Streaming System Using a Network Evolution Approach.- HVS-Based Imperceptibility Evaluation for Steganography.- Hasten Dynamic Frame Slotted ALOHA Algorithm for Fast Identification in RFID System.- A Lightweight Mechanism to Mitigate Application Layer DDo S Attacks.- A Multidimensional Mapping Mechanism Based Secure Routing Method for DHT.- A Practical Open MP Implementation of Bit-Reversal for Fast Fourier Transform.- A Scalable, Vulnerability Modeling and Correlating Method for Network Security.- A Self-adaptive Fault-Tolerant Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks.- CAWA: Continuous Approximate Where-About Queries.- Chemical Compounds with Path Frequency Using Multi-Core Technology.- Distance Dimension Reduction on QR Factorization for Efficient Clustering Semantic XML Document Using the QR Fuzzy C-Mean (QR-FCM).- Efficient Top-k Query Algorithms Using K-Skyband Partition.- Using Multi-threading and Server Update Pushing to Improve the Performance of VNC for a Wall-Sized Tiled Display Wall.