Radu Ioanid was born and grew up in Bucharest. He studied at the University of Bucharest; at the University of Cluj, where he received a Ph D; and at the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales in Paris, where he received a doctorate in history. He was vice president of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania headed by Elie Wiesel from 2003 to 2004. He has been a Starkoff Fellow at the American Jewish Archives and director of the International Archival Program at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. He is now Romania’s ambassador to Israel. His books include The Holocaust in Romania and Le Pogrom de Jassy.
8 Ebooks door Radu Ioanid
Radu Ioanid: Holocaust in Romania
In 1930, 757, 000 Jews lived in Romania; they constituted the third largest Jewish community in Europe. Today not more than 14, 000 Jews live in Romania, most of them elderly. The record of the Holoc …
Jorge Semprun & Elie Wiesel: It Is Impossible to Remain Silent
A conversation between Elie Wiesel and Jorge Semprun about what they experienced and observed during their time in the Buchenwald concentration camp.On March 1, 1995, at the time of the fiftieth anni …
Jorge Semprun & Elie Wiesel: It Is Impossible to Remain Silent
A conversation between Elie Wiesel and Jorge Semprun about what they experienced and observed during their time in the Buchenwald concentration camp.On March 1, 1995, at the time of the fiftieth anni …
Radu Ioanid: Dosarul Brucan
Puține nume din istoria recentă a României au puterea de a stârni atâtea emoții în rândul populației ca acela al lui Silviu Brucan. Controversa din jurul lui este generată de rolul pe care l-a jucat …
Radu Ioanid: Securitatea și vânzarea evreilor. Istoria acordurilor secrete dintre România și Israel
După înlesnirea accesului la arhivele instituțiilor de securitate românești, Radu Ioanid a întreprins o amplă cercetare, în urma căreia a selectat și a catalogat numeroase documente declasificate car …
Radu Ioanid: Ransom of the Jews
After 1948, the 370, 000 Jews of Romania who survived the Holocaust became one of the main sources of immigration for the new state of Israel as almost all left their homeland to settle in Palestine …
Radu Ioanid: Holocaust in Romania
In this book, Ioanid explores in great detail the physical destruction of Romania’s Jewish and Roma communities, including the pogroms of Bucharest and Iasi as well as the deportations and the massac …
Paul A. Shapiro: Kishinev Ghetto, 1941-1942
The Kishinev Ghetto, 1941 1942 offers a wealth of primary sources and insightful commentary about the little-known slaughter of Jewish residents of Kishinev (Chisinau) under the military occupation b …