Whispers and gossip stave off boredom for nobility and staff alike at the sprawling, aelven estate in Merzai. Rumors abound about the Seal Breaker’s frequent visitors, from her long courtship with the Durzen Llewellyn Grenolly to her Saelvwen companion to the half-Fae apothecary who tends her wounds. Meanwhile, others are up to their own rumor-fodder between court intrigues, and Lomilith, Bruomiel of House Silver Light continues to be tormented nightly by dreams of the need to possess Eila.
In this erotic companion to Chains of Merzai, delve deep into the sensual scenes too graphic for the third book in the Amakai series. Contains material only suitable for adults 18+ and includes intimate scenes of LGBTQ+, polyamorous, and bdsm relations.
An Amakai companion book.
After the Hot Springs
Progression 4: Lucier with Aeri
bdsm | femme dome | male sub | fwb | food
After the Fomoire
Progression 5: Eila with Wells
hurt/comfort | exhibitionism
After the Fomoire II
Progression 5: Aeri with Eila & Wells
threesome | polyamory | momentary possessiveness
Lomilith’s First Dream
Progression 6: Lomilith with Eila
predator/prey | dream | brief knife play
Temptation of the Shiliea
Progression 9: Taleth with Aeri
outdoor sex | one night stand
Spring Breezes
Progression 9: Wells with Eila
fluff and smut | possessive
The Endless Cycle
Progression 10: Lomilith with Eila
bdsm | rough sex | questionable consent | dream
Charmed, I’m Sure
Progression 10: Wells (as Eila) with Vistrian
mild kink | questionable consent | one night stand
Progression 11: Eila with Wells
submission | sex is therapy
Progression 11: Eila with Aeri
bdsm | rough sex
Tender Treatments
Progression 12: Lucier with Aeri & Eila
threesome | mild kink | hurt/comfort
Cold Comforts
Progression 13: Cleo with Myranelle
fluff and smut | sexuality realization
The Ferocity of a Mountain
Progression 14: Lomilith with an unnamed Thlassa
sex is therapy | rough sex | anonymous
A Diversion
Progression 16: Wells with Liam
one night stand
Tea Time
Progression 16: Wells with Eila & Lucier
threesome | food | mild kink
The Best of Friends
Progression 20: Kinnelith with Dianthe, Fraedn, & Zanna
bdsm | polyamory | goddess worship | cuckolding
Two Hunters in the Woods
Progression 20: Lomilith with Mahren
predator/prey | violence | knife play | breeding
This Ship is Cracked
Non-Canon: Lomilith with Wells
bdsm | hate fucking | humiliation | violence
Over de auteur
Raven J. Demers writes speculative fiction and is the author of the Daisy After Life trilogy and co-author of the Amakai series. Xe earned a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Washington and is a member of the Northwest Independent Writers Association. Raven lives in a forest near Seattle with xyr family.satyrsgarden.com