Auteur: Riccardo Rebonato

Riccardo Rebonato is Head of Group Market Risk for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, and Head of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Quantitative Research Centre. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at Oxford University for the Mathematical Finance Diploma and MSc. He holds Doctorates in Nuclear Engineering and Science of Materials/Solid State Physics. He sits on the Board of Directors of ISDA and on the Board of Trustees of GARP. Prior to joining the Royal Bank of Scotland, he was Head of Complex Derivatives Trading Europe and Head of Derivatives Research at Barclays Capital (BZW), where he worked for nine years. Before that he was a Research Fellow in Physics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, UK. He is the author of three books, Modern Pricing of Interest-Rate Derivatives, Volatility and Correlation in Option Pricing and Interest-Rate Option Models. He has published several papers on finance in academic journals, and is on the editorial board of several journals. He is a regular speaker at conferences worldwide.

13 Ebooks door Riccardo Rebonato

Riccardo Rebonato: Volatility and Correlation
In Volatility and Correlation 2nd edition: The Perfect Hedger and the Fox, Rebonato looks at derivatives pricing from the angle of volatility and correlation. With both practical and theoretical appl …
Riccardo Rebonato: Coherent Stress Testing
In Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach, industry expert Riccardo Rebonato presents a groundbreaking new approach to this important but often undervalued part of the risk management toolkit. …
Richard White & Riccardo Rebonato: The SABR/LIBOR Market Model
This book presents a major innovation in the interest rate space. It explains a financially motivated extension of the LIBOR Market model which accurately reproduces the prices for plain vanilla hedg …
Riccardo Rebonato: Coherent Stress Testing
In Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach, industry expert Riccardo Rebonato presents a groundbreaking new approach to this important but often undervalued part of the risk management toolkit. …
Richard White & Riccardo Rebonato: The SABR/LIBOR Market Model
This book presents a major innovation in the interest rate space. It explains a financially motivated extension of the LIBOR Market model which accurately reproduces the prices for plain vanilla hedg …
Riccardo Rebonato: Modern Pricing of Interest-Rate Derivatives
In recent years, interest-rate modeling has developed rapidly in terms of both practice and theory. The academic and practitioners’ communities, however, have not always communicated as productively …
Riccardo Rebonato: Plight of the Fortune Tellers
Today’s top financial professionals have come to rely on ever-more sophisticated mathematics in their attempts to come to grips with financial risk. But this excessive reliance on quantitative precis …
Riccardo (EDHEC Business School, France) Rebonato: How To Think About Climate Change
Caught in the crossfire between climate deniers and catastrophists, the intelligent layperson is understandably bewildered when faced with the complexity of climate change. How To Think About Climate …