By focusing on traders, missionaries, warriors, and adventurers—the four types of agents who are responsible for globalizing processes— this highly accessible volume brings analytical coherence and clarity to an unwieldy subject matter. In addition to excellent coverage of more familiar topics such as India’s sea trade with Rome, the proselytizing efforts of Ashoka and other Indian kings, or the migration of the Yueh-chih people, Davis adds valuable analyses of story literature, the Ramayana epic, and Buddhist art. Global India circa 100 CE is an entertaining introduction to India’s international interactions and conceptions that will greatly benefit teachers and students of world history as well as ancient Asia.
Over de auteur
RICHARD H. DAVIS is Professor of Religion and Asian Studies at Bard College, Annandale on-Hudson, NY. Previously he taught at Yale University. He is author of three books: Ritual in an Oscillating Universe: Worshiping Siva in Medieval India (Princeton University Press, 1991); Lives of Indian Images (Princeton University Press, 1997; winner of the 1999 AAS Ananda Kentish Coomaraswamy Book Prize); and A Priest’s Guide to the Great Festival: Aghorasiva’s Mahotsavavidhi (Oxford University Press, 2009). He has also edited two volumes: Images, Miracles, and Authority in Asian Religious Traditions (Westview Press, 1998); and Picturing the Nation: Iconographies of Modern India (Orient Longman, 2006).