This book takes a close look inside political parties, bringing together the findings of an international team of leading scholars. Building on a unique set of cross-national data on party organizations, the contributors set out to explain how parties organize, how they have changed and how they have adapted to the changing political and organizational circumstances in which they find themselves.
The contributors are recognized authorities on the party systems of their countries, and have all been involved in gathering data on party membership, party finance and the internal structure of power. They add to the analysis of these original data an expert knowledge of the wider political patterns in their countries, and thus provide insight into the development of parties and party systems from the perspective of party organizations themselves. How Parties Organize offers the most systematic and comparable analysis of party organization in contemporary Europe and the United States.
Party Organizations – Peter Mair
From Civil Society to the State
Party Organization as an Empty Vessel – Richard S Katz and Robin Kolodny
Parties in American Politics
The Development of Austrian Party Organizations in the Post-war Period – Wolfgang C M[um]uller
The Decline of Consociationalism and the Reluctant Modernization of Belgian Mass Parties – Kris Deschouwer
Party Organizational Change in Britain – Paul D Webb
The Iron Law of Centralization?
Denmark – Lars Bille
The Decline of the Membership Party?
Finland – Jan Sundberg
Nationalized Parties, Professionalized Organizations
Parties in a Legalistic Culture – Thomas Poguntke
The Case of Germany
Ireland – David M Farrell
Centralization, Professionalization and Competitive Pressures
Italy – Luciano Bardi and Leonardo Morlino
Tracing the Roots of the Great Transformation
The Vulnerability of the Modern Cadre Party in the Netherlands – Ruud A Koole
Change and Adaptation in Norwegian Party Organizations – Lars Sv[a with a circle on the top]asand
Party Organizations in Sweden – Jon Pierre and Anders Widfeldt
Colossuses with Feet of Clay or Flexible Pillars of Government?
Transnational Party Federations, European Parliamentary Party Groups and the Building of Europarties – Luciano Bardi