Auteur: Rob Dunbar

Wilson Mc Leod is Professor of Gaelic at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Author of Gaelic in Scotland: Policies, Movements, Ideologies (2020) and co-editor of Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021). Robert Dunbar is Professor of Celtic at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He has published widely on language law and policy, and is regularly consulted by international organisations, governments and NGOs on these issues. Kathryn Jones is Managing Director of IAITH: Y Ganolfan Cynllunio Iaith / Welsh Centre for Language Planning. She is co-editor of Multilingual Literacies: Reading and Writing Different Worlds (2001). John Walsh is Senior Lecturer in Irish at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. He is co-author with Bernadette O’Rourke of New Speakers of Irish in the Global Context: New Revival? (2020).

1 Ebooks door Rob Dunbar

Wilson McLeod & Rob Dunbar: Language, Policy and Territory
This volume celebrates the contribution of Professor Colin Williams, an immensely important and influential scholar in the field of language policy for more than forty years. Eighteen chapters by …