Coopers Constant answers fundamental questions about human folly. Why did an Alabama man go to the police station to complain about being cheated in a drug deal? Why did an Idaho woman request that the highway department remove the Deer Crossing sign on her road because too many deer were being hit by cars? The Peter Principle and the Dilbert Principle attempted to explain incompetence in organizations, and Warren Buffett spoke of the three is of the business cyclethe third i standing for the idiots, who screw it all up. Unfortunately, Dr. Peter, Scott Adams, and Warren Buffett failed to ask, ‘Why are so many peoplethe idiotsincompetent in the first place?’ This book furnishes the answer: Coopers Constant. It introduces the reader to the mindless M-type and the M-organization, or MORG.
Dont read this book unless you are willing to change your view of humanity.
Over de auteur
Cooper has served as a management and marketing consultant to clients such as General Electric, Raytheon, Northrop-Grumman, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Solar, Marquardt, and Teledyne. Before his consulting career, Cooper participated in a wide range of occupations in different industries and locations, starting in high school and college: stock boy, waiter, file clerk, laborer, management trainee, purchasing agent, social worker, missile site job coordinator, aerospace configuration management specialist, aerospace program analyst, technical writer and technical editor. Thus, Cooper has extensive experience at all levels and in many contexts with Thinkers, M-types and MORGs, and with diabolical Weevils and their minion Meevils.
Cooper published a book of nonfiction humor with Penguin, and many of his short stories, essays and book reviews have appeared in various print and online magazines.
Cooper graduated with highest honors from the University of California at Berkeley and now lives in Colorado.