Auteur: Robert Krämer

Anthony Viera is Associate Professor and the Charles B. Wilkerson Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Family Medicine in the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a practicing physician and prolific writer, with over 100 indexed articles, three books, numerous book chapters, and several monographs published. He is also an accomplished researcher and teacher. He has held grants (totaling millions of dollars) from NIH, HRSA, and other organizations. Additionally, he has been the recipient of multiple faculty awards. Dr. Viera serves as the Director of the MD-MPH Program, one of the nation’s oldest and most well-regarded of such programs. He also served as an Academic Leadership Fellow at UNC (where he met Rob Kramer) and completed the Strategic Leader Academy of UNC Hospitals. Rob Kramer is an executive coach for the Center for Creative Leadership, an organization ranked among the best executive education providers in the world. He is also a part time faculty member at the Federal Executive Institute, the premiere executive leadership training facility for the Federal government, where he teaches in both the residential and customized programs. For nearly two decades, Rob has provided executive coaching, consulting and business training for a variety of organizations including government agencies, educational institutions, private corporations, Fortune 500 companies, non-profit and health care environments. He has served more than ten years in academia, most recently as the founding director the Center for Leadership & Organizational Excellence at NC A&T State University. Prior to that he was the director of Training & Development at the University of North Carolina, where he served as an executive coach and organizational development consultant, overseeing management, supervisory and leadership development for the University”s 12, 000 faculty and staff. Rob continues working in faculty leadership development at UNC”s Institute for the Arts and Humanities, home of the Academic Leadership Fellows program. Rob”s coaching clients include CEO”s, executives in public and private sectors, political appointees, entrepreneurs and front line managers. Rob is delighted to have recently lectured at a TED conference, where he spoke on The Opposite of Stress. Rob is the author of the book Stealth Coaching: Everyday Conversations for Extraordinary Results.

10 Ebooks door Robert Krämer

Robert Krämer & Jan Matussek: Bandscheibenbedingte Erkrankungen
Der Klassiker in aktualisierter und erweiterter Auflage stellt umfassend die Ätiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie der bandscheibenbedingten Erkrankungen dar. -Informationen über anatomische und biomech …
Robert Krämer & Jan Matussek: Bandscheibenbedingte Erkrankungen
Der Klassiker in aktualisierter und erweiterter Auflage stellt umfassend die Ätiologie, Diagnostik und Therapie der bandscheibenbedingten Erkrankungen dar. -Informationen über anatomische und biomech …
Anthony J. Viera & Robert Kramer: Management and Leadership Skills for Medical Faculty
Recognizing that medical faculty face different questions or issues in different stages of their careers,  this handy, practical title offers a comprehensive roadmap and range of solutions to co …
Robert Krämer & Theodoros Theodoridis: Die lumbale Spinalkanalstenose
Was versteht man unter einer dekompensierten LSS ? Wann ist eine minimalinvasive Therapie indiziert und wann wird operiert?  Welche konservativen und operativen Therapien gibt es?  Antworte …
Robert Kramer: Vergleichende Werbung für die Positionierung neuer Marken
Anhand einer Strukturgleichungsanalyse zeigt der Autor auf, wie vergleichende Werbung durch die Rezipienten verarbeitet wird und in welchen Fällen Vorteile durch den Einsatz zu erwarten sind. Dabei u …
Angelika Dörfler-Dierken & Robert Kramer: Innere Führung in Zahlen
In der Bundeswehrumfrage des Jahres 2013 wurden erstmals die Soldatinnen und Soldaten nach ihrer Kenntnis der ZDv 10/1 Innere Führung (2008), nach ihren Einstellungen gegenüber der Inneren Führung un …
Robert Kramer & E. James Lieberman: Letters of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank
Sigmund Freud’s relationship with Otto Rank was the most constant, close, and significant of his professional life. Freud considered Rank to be the most brilliant of his disciples. The two collaborat …
Otto Rank: A Psychology of Difference
A leading disciple and confidant of Freud, Otto Rank revolutionized the field of psychoanalytic theory in The Trauma of Birth (1924). In this book, Rank proposed that the child’s pre-Oedipal relation …
Robert Kramer: The Birth of Relationship Therapy
Carl Rogers is one of the most influential figures in humanistic psychology. Surprisingly, however, almost no one knows the full story of how he came to develop »relationship therapy«, one of the mos …
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban & Richard A. Lobban Jr.: Historical Dictionary of the Sudan
The Republic of the Sudan was long the largest country in Africa and, according to the general consensus, also one of the least successful in many ways. This was not entirely its fault since it lay a …