London – truly one of the greatest cities in the world, with a history that spans thousands of years. Yet with its origins lost in the mists of myth and legend, London presents an enigma. For while it remains a vibrant, bustling metropolis, a centre of science, art, politics and innovation, it also has a darker side. An occult tradition that ranges from King Brutus of the Trojans, through Dee and Kelly, to Blake, the Theosophists, perhaps even the Ripper, and beyond.
Here are gathered nine new novelettes of weird and Lovecraftian London. From the days of Roman ruins, to its heyday as Heart of the Empire. From the terror of the Blitz, to psychedelic Swinging London. And all the way up to the present day, where the fog-shrouded past may still reach out and tap you on the shoulder…
The Eye of Jupiter - B Harlan Crawford
Frostfall - Tim Mendees
The Song from the Statue - Simon Bleaken
Cell 34- A.D. Radford
When Shadows Creep - Robert Poyton
Whispered Cadences of Sweet Delirium -Lee Clark Zumpe
Rag and Bone - David Cartwright
Shadows and Echoes - Gavin Chappell
The Piercer of the Veils - John Houlihan
448 pages, illustrated