The true crime story of a killer couple from California, their gruesome torture chamber on wheels, and the terror they left in their wake.
The true story of one of the most notorious crime couples in recent American history is told. Michelle Michaud and James Daveggio forged a perverse alliance in late 1997. After customizing Michaud’s minivan into a mobile torture chamber, the pair hit the road and began a nightmare spree of incest, kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder.
Sixteen Pages of Shocking Photos !
Michaud and Daveggio’s case was featured on Oxygen’s Snapped: Killer Couples.
Over de auteur
Robert Scott discovered that true-crime writing is incredibly interesting, as ‘You have to be part journalist, part detective and part analytical writer for the true crime market.’ Robert’s books have detailed the lives of killers and victims, police detectives and FBI agents—from California to Iowa, from the Canadian border to the Mexican border. They’ve depicted stories from a murderous male/female team in the High Sierras to a psychopathic killer on the mean streets of Los Angeles. They’ve also told the stories of victims, from an exotic dancer, to a beautiful but naive college girl, to a loving and vulnerable ranch wife. ‘The lives of the victims, and the detectives who brought them justice, are vitally important in these stories, ‘ Robert said. ‘I absolutely believe in a comment related to me by an Assistant United States Attorney, ‘To the living we owe respect, to the dead we owe the truth.”
Robert is currently working on true crime books set in Oregon and Northern California. Robert has been on many television shows on Discovery ID, A&E, E!, and Tru TV.