From the Introduction:
This volume is dedicated to the remarkable career of Professor Peter Schmidt and the role he has played in mentoring us, his Ph D students. Peter’s accomplishments are legendary among his students and the profession. Each of the papers in this Festschrift is a research work executed by a former Ph D student of Peter’s, from his days at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to his time at Michigan State University. Most of the papers were presented at The Conference in Honor of Peter Schmidt, June 30 – July 2, 2011. The conference was largely attended by his former students and one current student, who traveled from as far as Europe and Asia to honor Peter. This was a conference to celebrate Peter’s contribution to our contributions. By “our contributions” we mean the research papers that make up this Festschrift and the countless other publications by his students represented and not represented in this volume. Peter’s studentsmay have their families to thank for much that is positive in their lives. However, if we think about it, our professional lives would not be the same without the lessons and the approaches to decision making that we learned from Peter.
We spent our days together at Peter’s conference and the months since reminded of these aspects of our personalities and life goals that were enhanced, fostered, and nurtured by the very singular experiences we have had as Peter’s students. We recognized in 2011 that it was unlikely we would all be together again to celebrate such a wonderful moment in ours and Peter’s lives and pledged then to take full advantage of it. We did then, and we are now in the form of this volume.
Chapter 1 Introduction.- Chapter 2 Program Impact Estimation with Binary Outcome Variables: Monte Carlo Results for Alternative Estimators and Empirical Examples.- Chapter 3 Stochastic Frontier Models with Bounded Inefficiency.- Chapter 4 Estimating Consumer Surplus in e Bay Computer Monitor Auctions.- Chapter 5 Inference in Two-Step Panel Data Models with Time-Invariant Regressors: Bootstrap versus Analytic Estimators.- Chapter 6 International Evidence on Cross-Price Effects of Food and Other Goods.- Chapter 7 Large-N and Large-T Properties of Panel Data Estimators and the Hausman Test.- Chapter 8 Comparison of Stochastic Frontier “Effect” Models Using Monte Carlo Simulation.- Chapter 9 Modelling Asymmetric Cointegration and Dynamic Multipliers in a Nonlinear ARDL Framework.- Chapter 10 More Powerful Unit Root Tests with Non-normal Errors.- Chapter 11 More Powerful LM Unit Root Tests with Non-normal Errors.- Chapter 12 Efficiency Selection Procedures for Capacity Utilization Estimation.- Chapter 13 Bartlett-type Correction of Distance Metric Test.