This book offers an overview of key elements of the hospital — its structure, administration, and its functioning. Students and new clinicians may be so focused on mastering specific clinical skills that they have little time to observe or question the whole process of care. This book looks beyond acute disease to the environment of care, how it works, how it doesn’t work, and how it might improve. Issues discussed include understanding and communicating with families, the basics of hospital finance, how dangerous hospitalization can be to the elderly, and how to minimize errors. Medical students and residents, advanced practice nurses, and physician’s assistants, are among the many potential readers for this book.
Part I: The Hospital Setting
Hospitals: Stand-Alone to Integrated Health Systems, H. Idriss Paying for Hospital Care, K. Grazier Working in Teams, E.L. Siegler Nursing and Nursing Care, C. Kovner Training Physicians in Hospitals, M. Pecker Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners, F. I. Segal-Gidan Medical Informatics, D.A. Campbell, P.D. Stetson Part II: Caring for Patients in the Hospital
Hospitalization Can Be Dangerous, B.G. Raik Preventing Functional Decline, S.B. Gans Choosing Alternatives to Restraints, E. Capezuti, S. Wexler Deciding About Diets, B. Kinosian, R. Berlin, C. Compher, et al Wound Care, E.A. Ayello, E.L. Siegler The Delirious Patient, L. Honkanen, B. Raman Isolation, B. Gallison Care Management and Case Management, B. Doyle, B. Vallejo, M. Horman, et al Part III: Facilitating Continuity of Care
Hospitalists, S. Mirafzali Easing the Transition between Nursing Home and Hospital, K.S. Boockvar, M. Camargo Discharge Planning, J.B. Foust, M. Dimond Maintaining the Patientís Health in the Community, V. Lo Faso Part IV: Common Social and Ethical Issues
Families: Roles, Needs, and Expectations, S. Euster Providing Culturally Competent Care, A.R. Green, J.R. Betancourt, J.E. Carrillo Ethics Committees and Case Consultation, S.K. Agrawal, J.J. Fins The Patient as Research Participant, A. Herb End-of-Life Care Planning, J.B. Scholder, A.A. Brody, M.M. Bottrell Part V: Improving Quality of Care
Minimizing Errors, M.S. Donaldson Risk Management, B. Regan The Role of Outcomes Research, M.A. Callahan, N. Hupert, D.S. Battleman Creating Quality Improving Projects, R.J. Rosati ‘