This story AM I A Bogor or BOGAS takes us on a journey with a young studious African boy who is called Samoa in his country LIBERIA, First African Republic 1824-1847.
The journey in company with this intelligent young boy enlightens us to understand the connection between social and personal problems.
On the journey various aspects of human relation is discussed to understand why some people are more stress than others with realization of the fact What is or ought to be.
Over de auteur
Samuel R. Watkins author of this children book consults readers of the book in a personal and meaningful way. Samuel Watkins shares bits of his own life and service to motivate and challenge readers to look beyond existing fears and changes in their lives but courageously use such change as opportunity to grow spiritually in love and respect. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
We are created by the divine Spirit God for the purpose of love for “God is Love.”
Like Lonely Rusty the wise one in the story, we must believe in the divinity of the Spirit and direct our lives by inner conviction and assurance. We must trust in God the created spirit and walk in faith and not by sight.
Readers of our publication “Liberia Communication and master suspense Novel, “Eye of The Night” 2007 can now have new excitement of publications that they can keep for themselves and give a love gift to those special persons.