This issue contains 17 peer-reviewed (invited and contributed) papers covering various aspects and the latest developments related to processing, modeling and manufacturing technologies of nanoscaled materials including inorganic-organic nanocomposites, nanowire-based sensors, new generation photovoltaic cells, self-assembly of nanostructures, functional nanostructures for cell tracking and heterostructures. Each manuscript was peer-reviewed using The American Ceramic Society review process.
Preface vii
Introduction ix
Core-Shell Nanostructures: Scalable, One-Step Aerosol Synthesis
and In-Situ Si02 Coating and Functionalization of Ti02 and Fe203
Nanoparticles 1
J. T. N. Knijnenburg, A. Teleki, B. Buesser, and S. E.
Self-Assembly of Metal Oxides–Liquid Phase Crystal
Deposition of Anatase Ti02 Particles and Their Change in Surface
Area 13
Yoshitake Masuda
Single Step Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Magnetite
Nanoparticles 21
M. Hoffmann, R. von Hagen, H. Shen, and S. Mathur
Printable Silver Nanostructures: Fabrication and Plasma-Chemical
Modification 29
R. von Hagen, M. Hoffmann, T. Lehnen, L. Xiao, D. Zopes, H.
Shen, and S. Mathur
Nanostructured Tin Dioxide and Tungsten Trioxide Gas Sensors
Prepared by Glancing Angle Deposition 37
Derya Deniz, Aravind Reghu, and Robert J. Lad
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ti02 Nanotubes: Microwave Heating
Versus Conventional Heating 45
Lucky M. Sikhwivhilu, Siyasanga Mpelane, Nosipho Moloto, and
Suprakas Sinha Ray
Fabrication and Properties of Core-Shell Type Si C/Si02 Nanowires
through Low-Cost Production Technique 51
Wasana Khongwong, Katsumi Yoshida, and Toyohiko Yano
Fabrication and Characterization of Multifunctional Zn O-Polymer
Nanocomposites 63
Hongbin Cheng, Qian Chen, and Qing-Ming Wang
Hybrid Nanostructured Organic/Inorganic Photovoltaic Cells
S. Antohe, I. Enculescu, Cristina Besleaga, lulia Arghir, V. A.
Antohe, V. Covlea, A. Radu, and L. Ion
Enhanced Photovoltaic Effect Using Nanostructured Multi-Layered
Photoelectrode 83
M. Ramrakhiani and J.K. Dongre
Evaluation of Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent for Photoacoustic
Imaging in Living Cells 91
Yvonne Kohl, Hagen Thielecke, Wolfgang Bost, Robert Lemor, Frank
Stracke, Christian Kaiser, Michael Schroeter, Karl Kratz, Andreas
Henkel, and Carsten Sonnichsen
The Use of Ca C03 and Ca3(P04)2 as Supports for Fe-Co Catalysts
for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis: A Comparative Study 101
Sabelo D. Mhlanga, Suprakas Sinha Ray, and Neil J.
Nano-Microcomposite and Combined Coatings on
Ti-Si-NAA/C-Co-Cr/Steel and Ti-Si-N/(Cr3C2)75-(Ni Cr)25 Base: Their
Structure and Properties 115
A. D. Pogrebnjak, V. V. Uglov, M. V. Il’yashenko, V. M.
Beresnev, A. P. Shpak, M. V. Kaverin, N. K. Erdybaeva, Yu A.
Kunitskyi, Yu. N. Tyurin, O. V. Kolisnichenko, N. A. Makhmudov, and
A. P. Shypylenko
Phase Composition, Thermal Stability, Physical and Mechanical
Properties of Superhard On Base Zr-Ti-Si-N Nanocomposite Coatings
A. D. Pogrebnjak, O. V. Sobol, V. M. Beresnev, P. V. Turbin, G.
V. Kirik, N. A. Makhmudov, M. V Il’yashenko, A. P. Shypylenko, M.
V. Kaverin, M.Yu. Tashmetov, and A. V. Pshyk
Characterization of Nanocrystalline Surface Layer in Low Carbon
Steel Induced by Surface Rapid Multi-Rolling Treatment 139
Chang Sun, Kangning Sun, Jingde Zhang, Pengfei Chuan, Xiaoxin
Wang, and Nan Wang
Properties of Nano-Metal Carbide Contained Mg-Ti C (Si C)
Composites 147
Mustafa Aydin and Rasit Koc
Author Index 157
Over de auteur
Sanjay Mathur and Suprakas Sinha Ray are the authors of Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology IV, Volume 31, Issue 7, published by Wiley.